
Automatically test and log your internet speed.

Primary LanguagePython

Home internet speedtest

Wanna log your internet speed smoothly over time?

No worries, with the help of Python, speedtest-cli and SQLite you can run the following Python script in e.g. a cronjob and store the results one row at a time in the speedtest table of your speedtest.db.

Every time you execute speedtest.py it will add a new row to your speedtest table in your SQLite database.

python3 run_speedtest.py --db-path /path/to/my/speedtest.db

My use-case

As an example, I'm running this every 10 minutes on my Raspberry Pi 4 at home using cron as follows:

*/10 * * * * ( cd /home/pi/speedtest-logger/ && python3 run_speedtest.py --db-path /opt/grafana/speedtest.db >> /home/pi/speedtest-logger/speedtest.log 2>&1 )

I'm wrapping the script in () so that it runs in a subshell. This way I can cd into the directory where I cloned this repo. And if the cd succeeds (&&) then run_speedtest.py runs and reports all its output (errors included 2>&1) to a speedtest.log file, which I can check in case things are not working as expected.


There are two main ways to setup the logger.

Just git clone

Simply recursively clone this repository into whatever you wish to run it in e.g. the device, VM, container, parallel dimension etc.

The speedtest-cli repository that we depend on is a submodule of this repository.

git clone --recursive git@github.com:Lef-F/speedtest-logger.git

Install as Python module

The application comes with poetry support and a pyprojec.toml which means you have a few options for installation.

The poetik way

First clone the repository:

git clone git@github.com:Lef-F/speedtest-logger.git

And then run poetry install to install the environment.

Using pip

Simply run pip install -r requirements.txt

General notes

speedtest module return dictionary

Running a speedtest with the Speedtest class of the speedtest Python module returns a dictionary with the following structure:

    "download": 246470932.56381902,
    "upload": 52436099.26189703,
    "ping": 32.15,
    "server": {
        "url": "http://gbg-shg-speedtest1.bahnhof.net:8080/speedtest/upload.php",
        "lat": "57.7000",
        "lon": "11.9667",
        "name": "Gothenburg",
        "country": "Sweden",
        "cc": "SE",
        "sponsor": "Bahnhof AB",
        "id": "34190",
        "host": "gbg-shg-speedtest1.bahnhof.net:8080",
        "d": 402.1657229051038,
        "latency": 32.15
    "timestamp": "2022-07-12T07:52:28.700544Z",
    "bytes_sent": 65667072,
    "bytes_received": 308975016,
    "share": "http://www.speedtest.net/result/13395521006.png",
    "client": {
        "ip": "",
        "lat": "41.321",
        "lon": "12.118",
        "isp": "Tele2 Sweden",
        "isprating": "3.7",
        "rating": "0",
        "ispdlavg": "0",
        "ispulavg": "0",
        "loggedin": "0",
        "country": "SE"