The code permits the testing and running of a cothority-system together with the applications. It is split up in deployment, application and protocols. The basic cryptographic code comes from DeDiS/crypto. The following modules are used:
* Deter - running
* Go-routines - in preparation
* Future:
* Docker
* timestamping
* signing - needs to collect more data
* vote - doesn't run yet.
* collective signing
* joint threshold signing - work in progress
For the moment only the timestamping on Deterlab works:
In the top-level directory, type
go get ./...
go build
then enter the name of the deterlab-installation, your username and your project-name, and you should be ready to go. The arguments are:
* -debug - number between 0 and 5 - 0 is silent, 5 is very verbose
* -deploy [deterlab,gochannels] - by default is "deterlab" - gochannels are next
* -app [server,client] - whether to run the application as server or client - not yet implemented
For the sake of easy development there are some switches that are to be used only for the deterlab implementation:
* -nobuild - don't build any of the helpers - useful if you're working on the main code
* -build "helper1,helper2" - only build the helpers, separated by a "," - speeds up recompiling
* -machines # - tells how many machines are to be used for the run
For the moment the only running application - it sets up servers that listen for client-requests, collect all requests and handle them to a root-node.
A simple mechanism that only receives a message, signs it, and returns it.
Not done yet
We want to compare different protocols for signing and timestamping uses.
This one runs well and is described in a pre-print from Dylan Visher.
A baseline-comparison being developed by the DeDiS-lab at EPFL.