
In this tutorial, we'll walk through the steps of implementing a refactoring tool for C++ written in C++ using the libraries provided with clang. Our example refactoring tool will replace (void) argument list with (). We'll apply this transformation to a function, method, or typedef. Our refactoring tool will transform code like this:

int foo(void) {
    return 0;

void bar(void) {

class gronk {
    void foo();
    void bar(void);

void gronk::foo() {

void gronk::bar(void) {

gronk::gronk(void) {

into this:

int foo() {
    return 0;

void bar() {

class gronk {
    void foo();
    void bar();

void gronk::foo() {

void gronk::bar() {

gronk::gronk() {

In this kata, we will enhance our solution incrementally to handle all the places where (void) can appear in a function or method signature in C++:

  • typedef statements
  • forward declaration of functions
  • declarations and definitions of function pointers
  • declarations and definitions of pointers to methods

Setting Up

Before we get started, we'll download the source code for clang and build the distribution so we know we've got everything set up properly.

Downloading clang source

We'll base our tool on the clang 3.4 code base, which comes as several source packages:

Windows users will need CMake to prepare the source code for building.

LLVM is the underlying base technology for the intermediate represenation of code compiled by clang. Clang is the ISO C++11 compliant compiler built on LLVM. Clang Tools Extra provides some additional command-line tools that are built using libraries provided with clang.

Our code will be based off an existing clang extra tool called remove-cstr-calls that removes redundant calls of std::string::c_str().

Now we need to integrate these three source packages together and prepare them for building:

  1. Unpack LLVM 3.4, you should have a directory named llvm-3.4
  2. Unpack clang 3.4, you should have a directory named clang-3.4
  3. Unpack clang Tools Extra 3.4, you should have a directory named clang-tools-extra-3.4
  4. Rename 'llvm-3.4' to 'llvm'
  5. Move the clang-3.4 directory to llvm/tools/clang
  6. Move the clang-tools-extra-3.4 directory to llvm/tools/clang/tools/extra

Building clang

The clang compiler code base is designed to be bootstrapped using the native compiler to the system. Follow the instructions on clang's Getting Started page for your operating system with one difference -- since we have downloaded` source packages, we don't need to checkout source code from subversion.

  1. Create a directory for build outputs called build, as a sibling of llvm
  2. cd build
  3. For Linux/Macintosh users: ../llvm/configure; make
  4. For Windows users: cmake -G "Visual Studio 11" ..\llvm and then build LLVM.sln from within Visual Studio 2012 or later.
  5. Now relax and have lunch or dinner. Seriously, we are about to build a large codebase and even with a fast multicore machine and builds running in parallel it will take quite a bit of time to build everything. While the code is building, you can continue reading to familiarize yourself with clang's libtooling that provides the support for refactoring tools.

Examining remove-cstr-calls

Now let's take a look at the existing refactoring tool remove-cstr-calls on which we will base our refactoring tool. This will give us an introduction to the library we're going to use to access the parsed C++ source file and associate replacement text with existing source text.

Open up llvm/tools/clang/tools/extra/remove-cstr-calls/RemoveCStrCalls.cpp in your editor. At the top of the file we see a block comment summarizing the tool:

//  This file implements a tool that prints replacements that remove redundant
//  calls of c_str() on strings.
//  Usage:
//  remove-cstr-calls <cmake-output-dir> <file1> <file2> ...
//  Where <cmake-output-dir> is a CMake build directory in which a file named
//  compile_commands.json exists (enable -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS in
//  CMake to get this output).
//  <file1> ... specify the paths of files in the CMake source tree. This path
//  is looked up in the compile command database. If the path of a file is
//  absolute, it needs to point into CMake's source tree. If the path is
//  relative, the current working directory needs to be in the CMake source
//  tree and the file must be in a subdirectory of the current working
//  directory. "./" prefixes in the relative files will be automatically
//  removed, but the rest of a relative path must be a suffix of a path in
//  the compile command line database.
//  For example, to use remove-cstr-calls on all files in a subtree of the
//  source tree, use:
//    /path/in/subtree $ find . -name '*.cpp'|
//        xargs remove-cstr-calls /path/to/build

Our new tool will use the same command-line argument structure because we will be performing the same sort of transformation on the source code.

main: Startup

At the bottom of the file, you'll find the definition of main which begins with code like this:

cl::opt<std::string> BuildPath(

cl::list<std::string> SourcePaths(
  cl::desc("<source0> [... <sourceN>]"),

int main(int argc, const char **argv) {
  llvm::OwningPtr<CompilationDatabase> Compilations(
    tooling::FixedCompilationDatabase::loadFromCommandLine(argc, argv));
  cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(argc, argv);
  if (!Compilations) {
    std::string ErrorMessage;
           CompilationDatabase::loadFromDirectory(BuildPath, ErrorMessage));
    if (!Compilations)
  tooling::RefactoringTool Tool(*Compilations, SourcePaths);
  • cl is clang's namespace for command-line argument processing. BuildPath and SourcePaths are the two inputs to this refactoring tool: ** BuildPath is where the tool will look for the compilation database ** SourcePaths is a list of source files to be refactored
  • PrintStackTraceOnErrorSignal is a helper function that dumps the current stack trace if an unexpected signal occurs.
  • CompilationDatabase contains clang's abstraction of compile switches needed to properly compile a source file. When refactoring C++ code, we need to know everything about how that source file will be compiled in order to know the proper definitions of all the text used in the source file. Otherwise, we will not be able to properly identify a piece of text as a macro invocation, for instance. We will look into the compilation database in more detail.
  • cl::ParseCommandLineOptions handles all the command-line options that we might need to specify regarding include paths and so-on.
  • tooling::RefactoringTool is the class in the tooling library that gives us the infrastructure for performing source-to-source transformations on source files and writing out the updated source file in place.

main: Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) Matching

The next two lines declare a MatchFinder that we'll use to match nodes in the AST and an instance of a callback class that will be invoked when a matching node is found. The callback class, FixCStrCall, is where the meat of our refactoring tool resides and is defined at the top of the file. The instance of the callback is connected to the list of source file replacements managed by the RefactoringTool.

  ast_matchers::MatchFinder Finder;
  FixCStrCall Callback(&Tool.getReplacements());

Next, the first matcher is added to Finder. Matchers with the tooling library are specified using a builder style interface. This allows the matchers to be expressive in the form of a fluent API. A summary of the matcher API can be found in the AST Matchers Reference

This matcher looks for invocations of a std::string constructor with two arguments where the first argument is a call to std::string::c_str() and the second argument is the default argument. The second argument to string's constructor is an allocator used for custom string allocation. The default allocator simply obtains string memory from the heap using new. The refactoring tool doesn't want to match on strings that use a custom allocator, so it insists the argument be the default argument. StringConstructor and StringCStrMethod are named string constants the provide the fully qualified names of the constructor and c_str methods.

          // The first argument must have the form x.c_str() or p->c_str()
          // where the method is string::c_str().  We can use the copy
          // constructor of string instead (or the compiler might share
          // the string object).
              id("call", memberCallExpr(
                  callee(id("member", memberExpr())),
                  on(id("arg", expr()))))),
          // The second argument is the alloc object which must not be
          // present explicitly.

The second matcher is specific to the clang codebase, which defines two string-like classes StringRef and Twine. The matching criteria is similar to that of the first matcher:

          // Implicit constructors of these classes are overloaded
          // wrt. string types and they internally make a StringRef
          // referring to the argument.  Passing a string directly to
          // them is preferred to passing a char pointer.
          // The only argument must have the form x.c_str() or p->c_str()
          // where the method is string::c_str().  StringRef also has
          // a constructor from string which is more efficient (avoids
          // strlen), so we can construct StringRef from the string
          // directly.
              id("call", memberCallExpr(
                  callee(id("member", memberExpr())),
                  on(id("arg", expr())))))),

The last line of main does all the work now that everything has been wired up. runAndSave parses the source files to build the AST, finds matching ndoes in the AST and invokes the callback for each match, building a list of source text replacements. Those replacements are applied to the source file in place and the updated source file is written out.

  return Tool.runAndSave(newFrontendActionFactory(&Finder));

Bootstrapping remove-void-args

If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then let us pay a supreme complient to the authors of remove-cstr-calls and begin by copying their entire implementation and changing the matchers.

  1. Make a copy of the directory llvm/tools/clang/tools/extra/remove-cstr-calls and name it llvm/tools/clang/tools/extra/remove-void-args.
  2. Rename RemoveCStrCalls.cpp to RemoveVoidArgs.cpp
  3. Edit CMakeLists.txt and: 3.1 change remove-cstr-calls to remove-void-args 3.2 change RemoveCStrCalls.cpp to RemoveVoidArgs.cpp
  4. Edit Makefile and change remove-cstr-calls to remove-void-args
  5. Edit llvm/tools/clang/tools/extra/CMakeLists.txt and add the line add_subdirectory(remove-void-args) after the line for remove-cstr-calls.
  6. Edit llvm/tools/clang/tools/extra/Makefile and add remove-void-args to the definition of PARALLEL_DIRS after the existing remove-cstr-calls.

Now we have a copy of remove-cstr-calls under a new name, remove-void-args. Let's test that the build is creating our new refactoring tool:

  • On Windows, rerun CMake (cmake -G "Visual Studio 11" ..\llvm) and build LLVM.sln The LLVM solution should contain a project for your new refactoring tool.
  • On Linux, rerun configure (../llvm/configure) and build with make.

Understanding clang's AST

Before we can start writing matchers for our (void) argument list, we need to understand the AST that clang builds for our source text. Fortunately for us, now that we've built clang, we can instruct it to dump the AST for a source file.

Edit the new file test.cpp and insert the following text:

int foo(void) {
    return 0;

int bar() {
    return 0;

int feezle(int i) {
    return 0;

Then tell clang to dump the AST for us with -ast-dump to get:

> clang -Xclang -ast-dump -fsyntax-only dump.cpp
TranslationUnitDecl 0x469850 <<invalid sloc>>
|-TypedefDecl 0x469b40 <<invalid sloc>> __builtin_va_list 'char *'
|-CXXRecordDecl 0x469b70 <<built-in>:28:1, col:7> class type_info
|-FunctionDecl 0x469c60 <dump.cpp:1:1, line:3:1> foo 'int (void)'
| `-CompoundStmt 0x469d00 <line:1:15, line:3:1>
|   `-ReturnStmt 0x469cf0 <line:2:5, col:12>
|     `-IntegerLiteral 0x469cd0 <col:12> 'int' 0
|-FunctionDecl 0x469d40 <line:5:1, line:7:1> bar 'int (void)'
| `-CompoundStmt 0x469de0 <line:5:11, line:7:1>
|   `-ReturnStmt 0x469dd0 <line:6:5, col:12>
|     `-IntegerLiteral 0x469db0 <col:12> 'int' 0
`-FunctionDecl 0x469e90 <line:9:1, line:11:1> feezle 'int (int)'
  |-ParmVarDecl 0x469e10 <line:9:12, col:16> i 'int'
  `-CompoundStmt 0x469f38 <col:19, line:11:1>
    `-ReturnStmt 0x469f28 <line:10:5, col:12>
      `-IntegerLiteral 0x469f08 <col:12> 'int' 0

On your console, the output may be colored to indicate distinctions between Decl entries, Stmt entries, types, source file locations, etc.
The first thing you notice is that everything is inside a TranslationUnitDecl. The compilation and link model for C++ says that each source file corresponds to a distinct translation unit. Next we see a couple of internal declarations provided by clang and then three FunctionDecl entries for the functions we defined. Note that the first two FunctionDecl entries have no arguments and the third has a single ParmVarDecl for it's argument.

Do you notice something odd about the two FunctionDecl entries? Only the foo function provided the (void) argument list, but both entries reported by -ast-dump list the (void) signature. Why is that?

When clang creates the AST, it normalizes the representation so that two different ways of expressing the same fact in source code have a single representation in the AST.

Does this mean we won't be able to distinguish (void) from () in our AST matching? Fortunately, no, because we can access the source text associated with any particular AST node from inside the matcher.

The Compilation Database

Remember that compilation database we mentioned in our discussion of main? We need one of these in order to run our refactoring tool on a source file. The database consists of a JSON file that provides the compilation command for each file. On a unix system, CMake can generate the compilation database with the following command from the build directory:


On a Windows system, we have to hack one together as the compile commands support in CMake only works on unix.

Since we want to experiment with our tool on a single test file, we can just create one in a text editor. Create a file called compile_commands.json with the following contents.

For Windows:

        "directory": "D:/Code/clang/llvm/tools/clang/tools/extra/remove-void-args",
        "command": "CL.exe /c /I\"D:/Code/clang/tools/clang/tools/extra/remove-void-args\" \"D:/Code/clang/llvm/tools/clang/tools/extra/remove-void-args/test.cpp\"",
        "file": "test.cpp"

The directories must be separated with slashes and not backslashes, so if you paste in a Windows path with backslashes, remember to replace them all with slashes.

For Linux:

        "directory": "/Code/clang/llvm/tools/clang/tools/extra/remove-void-args",
        "command": "g++ -c -I/Code/clang/tools/clang/tools/extra/remove-void-args /Code/clang/llvm/tools/clang/tools/extra/remove-void-args/test.cpp",
        "file": "test.cpp"

Adjust the contents of the file to match the corresponding location to your remove-void-args directory and the file test.cpp.

Verify your compile_commands.json file is working correctly by running remove-void-args. This is most easily done by having the build/bin directory (build\bin\Debug on Windows) in your path and making llvm/tools/clang/tools/extra/remove-void-args as your current directory.

> remove-void-args . test.cpp
warning: /c: 'linker' input unused
warning: /ID:/Code/clang/llvm/tools/clang/tools/extra/remove-void-args: 'linker' input unused

The warnings on Windows are harmless. Since test.cpp doesn't contain any code matched by the remove-cstr-calls algorithm we copied, the contents of test.cpp remain unchanged.

If you see this error message, it's because you didn't replace \ with / in your compile_commands.json file.

> remove-void-args . dump.cpp
YAML:6:6: error: Unrecognized escape code!
Skipping D:\Code\clang\llvm\tools\clang\tools\extra\remove-void-args\test.cpp. Command line not found.

Now we're ready to edit RemoveVoidArgs.cpp and start matching AST nodes and refactoring the source file.

Exploring Matched Function Definitions

To get a feel for how all this works, let's add some simple code that matches a FunctionDecl and prints out information about the matched node. Open RemoveVoidArgs.cpp and add the following includes at the top:

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>

Delete the functions needParensAfterUnaryOperator and formatDereference and the string constants StringConstructor and StringCStrMethod since they are used by remove-cstr-calls, but we won't need them. We'll keep the getText function since it will give us the source text associated with any matched node.

Replace the class FixCStrCall with this class:

class FixVoidArg : public ast_matchers::MatchFinder::MatchCallback {
  FixVoidArg(tooling::Replacements *Replace)
      : Replace(Replace) {}

  virtual void run(const ast_matchers::MatchFinder::MatchResult &Result) {
    BoundNodes Nodes = Result.Nodes;
    SourceManager const *SM = Result.SourceManager;
    if (FunctionDecl const *const Function = Nodes.getNodeAs<FunctionDecl>("fn")) {
        std::string const Text = getText(*SM, *Function);
        if (Text.length() > 0) {
            std::string::size_type OpenBrace = Text.find_first_of('{');
            if (OpenBrace == std::string::npos) {
            std::string::size_type EndOfDecl = Text.find_last_of(')', OpenBrace) + 1;
            std::string Decl = Text.substr(0, EndOfDecl);
            if (Decl.length() > 6 && Decl.substr(Decl.length()-6) == "(void)") {
                std::cout << "Void Definition : " << getLocation(SM, Function) << Decl << "\n";

    std::string getLocation(SourceManager const *SM, FunctionDecl const* const Function) {
        std::ostringstream location;
        std::pair<FileID, unsigned> decomposed = SM->getDecomposedLoc(Function->getLocStart());
        if (FileEntry const *entry = SM->getFileEntryForID(decomposed.first)) {
            std::string fileName = entry->getName();
            location << fileName.substr(fileName.find_last_of("\\/") + 1);
        location << "(" << SM->getLineNumber(decomposed.first, decomposed.second) << "): ";
        return location.str();
  tooling::Replacements *Replace;

Replace the Callback and matchers added with the following:

  FixVoidArg Callback(&Tool.getReplacements());
  Finder.addMatcher(functionDecl(parameterCountIs(0)).bind("fn"), &Callback);

We're matching function declarations (and definitions) with zero arguments and binding them to the name fn for use by the callback. The callback gets the source text for the function definition and uses a string matching heuristic to find the source text matching the argument list by looking for the first { and then the last ) before that.

Rebuild remove-void-args and run it on test.cpp again to see the results:

Void Definition : test.cpp(1): int foo(void)

You'll find this version of the code in directory 1.

Exploring A Realistic Source File

Our test source file, test.cpp, isn't very realistic. It doesn't include any headers, for instance. Let's make it more realistic by adding the following line to the top of test.cpp:

#include <cstdio>

Now run remove-void-args again and see the results:

> remove-void-args . test.cpp
Void Definition : crtdefs.h(571): void __cdecl _invalid_parameter_noinfo(void)
Void Definition : crtdefs.h(572): __declspec(noreturn) void __cdecl _invalid_parameter_noinfo_noreturn(void)
Void Definition : stdio.h(129): FILE * __cdecl __iob_func(void)
Void Definition : stdio.h(184): int __cdecl _fcloseall(void)
Void Definition : stdio.h(196): int __cdecl _fgetchar(void)
Void Definition : stdio.h(217): int __cdecl _flushall(void)
Void Definition : stdio.h(255): int __cdecl getchar(void)
Void Definition : stdio.h(256): int __cdecl _getmaxstdio(void)
Void Definition : stdio.h(289): int __cdecl _rmtmp(void)
Void Definition : stdio.h(302): unsigned int __cdecl _get_output_format(void)
Void Definition : stdio.h(372): int __cdecl _get_printf_count_output(void)
Void Definition : stdio.h(422): wint_t __cdecl _fgetwchar(void)
Void Definition : stdio.h(426): wint_t __cdecl getwchar(void)
Void Definition : test.cpp(3): int foo(void)

Uh oh, here's a wrinkle we hadn't anticipated. C++'s backwards compatability with C is bringing in function signatures we didn't want to care about. We could filter based on the source file name, but a better idea is to exclude anything that is declared with C linkage, i.e. declared extern "C". Add the following code in the callback just before the call to getText:

if (Function->isExternC()) {

Rebuild and run remove-void-args and you will now see the following results:

> remove-void-args . test.cpp
Void Definition : test.cpp(3): int foo(void)

You'll find this version of the code in directory 2.

Exploring Matched Function Declarations

So far, we are only handling function definitions because our matching heuristic relies on the presence of an open brace, {, to identify the arguments in the source text. Let's add a function declaration to our test file. Add this declaration for foo before the definition of foo

Let's add a function declaration to test.cpp by adding the following line:

int foo(void);

We run remove-void-args and get the following output:

Void Definition : test.cpp(5): int foo(void)

We need a way to distinguish between a function declaration, where no opening brace will be present, and a function definition, so that we'll know how to extract the appropriate source text for matching. Change the run method to the following:

virtual void run(const ast_matchers::MatchFinder::MatchResult &Result) {
    BoundNodes Nodes = Result.Nodes;
    SourceManager const *SM = Result.SourceManager;
    if (FunctionDecl const *const Function = Nodes.getNodeAs<FunctionDecl>("fn")) {
        if (Function->isExternC()) {
        std::string const Text = getText(*SM, *Function);
        if (!Function->isThisDeclarationADefinition()) {
            if (Text.length() > 6 && Text.substr(Text.length()-6) == "(void)") {
                std::cout << "Void Declaration: " << getLocation(SM, Function) << Text << "\n";
        } else if (Text.length() > 0) {
            std::string::size_type EndOfDecl = Text.find_last_of(')', Text.find_first_of('{')) + 1;
            std::string Decl = Text.substr(0, EndOfDecl);
            if (Decl.length() > 6 && Decl.substr(Decl.length()-6) == "(void)") {
                std::cout << "Void Definition : " << getLocation(SM, Function) << Decl << "\n";

Now that we can distinguish between a declaration and a definition, we don't need to guard against a missing open brace in the definition. Building remove-void-args and running it on test.cpp now yields the following output:

> remove-void-args . test.cpp
Void Declaration: test.cpp(3): int foo(void)
Void Definition : test.cpp(5): int foo(void)

You'll find this version of the code in directory 3.

Replacing Matched Function Declarations and Definitions

OK, enough exploration, let's do some refactoring! Once we've identified the source text we want to replace, we add a replacement to the replacements list given to the constructor of our callback class. The replacement is the original text of the node, with (void) replaced by (). Change the class FixVoidArg to the following:

class FixVoidArg : public ast_matchers::MatchFinder::MatchCallback {
  FixVoidArg(tooling::Replacements *Replace)
      : Replace(Replace) {}

  virtual void run(const ast_matchers::MatchFinder::MatchResult &Result) {
    BoundNodes Nodes = Result.Nodes;
    SourceManager const *SM = Result.SourceManager;
    if (FunctionDecl const *const Function = Nodes.getNodeAs<FunctionDecl>("fn")) {
        if (Function->isExternC()) {
        std::string const Text = getText(*SM, *Function);
        if (!Function->isThisDeclarationADefinition()) {
            if (Text.length() > 6 && Text.substr(Text.length()-6) == "(void)") {
                std::string const NoVoid = Text.substr(0, Text.length()-6) + "()";
                Replace->insert(Replacement(*Result.SourceManager, Function, NoVoid));
        } else if (Text.length() > 0) {
            std::string::size_type EndOfDecl = Text.find_last_of(')', Text.find_first_of('{')) + 1;
            std::string Decl = Text.substr(0, EndOfDecl);
            if (Decl.length() > 6 && Decl.substr(Decl.length()-6) == "(void)") {
                std::string NoVoid = Decl.substr(0, Decl.length()-6) + "()" + Text.substr(EndOfDecl);
                Replace->insert(Replacement(*Result.SourceManager, Function, NoVoid));

  tooling::Replacements *Replace;

Although not strictly necessary, you can also remove the includes of <iostream> and <sstream>, since we only needed them to print out some diagnostic information.

Rebuild remove-void-args and run it on test.cpp, which is updated to the following contents:

#include <cstdio>

int foo();

int foo() {
    return 0;

int bar() {
    return 0;

int feezle(int i) {
    return 0;


We have successfully refactored a declaration and a definition, while leaving unrelated functions unchanged.

You'll find this version of the code in directory 4.

Handling typedef Statements

Now let's look at handling typedef statements. Add the following code to the end of test.cpp:

typedef int int_function(void);

typedef int (*int_function_ptr)(void);

Dump the syntax tree of the test file so we can see how clang treats a typedef statement:

TranslationUnitDecl 0xfdc910 <<invalid sloc>>
|-FunctionDecl 0x6b6a8d0 <line:13:1, line:15:1> feezle 'int (int)'
| |-ParmVarDecl 0x6b6a870 <line:13:12, col:16> i 'int'
| `-CompoundStmt 0x6b6a978 <col:19, line:15:1>
|   `-ReturnStmt 0x6b6a968 <line:14:5, col:12>
|     `-IntegerLiteral 0x6b6a948 <col:12> 'int' 0
|-TypedefDecl 0x6b6ab30 <line:17:1, col:30> int_function 'int (void)'
`-TypedefDecl 0x6b6ac20 <line:19:1, col:37> int_function_ptr 'int (*)(void)'

The TypedefDecl node in the AST represents the typedef statements that we added to our test file. A quick perusal of the AST Matchers Reference doesn't seem to provide any direct matcher for a TypedefDecl node. However, we can use the namedDecl matcher to match any named declaration, including a typedef. We can then check in the callback to see if the result of getAsNode<TypedefDecl> returns a non-zero pointer to identify the named node as a TypedefDecl.

Change the run method of the callback to:

  virtual void run(const ast_matchers::MatchFinder::MatchResult &Result) {
    BoundNodes Nodes = Result.Nodes;
    SourceManager const *SM = Result.SourceManager;
    if (FunctionDecl const *const Function = Nodes.getNodeAs<FunctionDecl>("fn")) {
        if (Function->isExternC()) {
        std::string const Text = getText(*SM, *Function);
        if (!Function->isThisDeclarationADefinition()) {
            if (Text.length() > 6 && Text.substr(Text.length()-6) == "(void)") {
                std::string const NoVoid = Text.substr(0, Text.length()-6) + "()";
                Replace->insert(Replacement(*Result.SourceManager, Function, NoVoid));
        } else if (Text.length() > 0) {
            std::string::size_type EndOfDecl = Text.find_last_of(')', Text.find_first_of('{')) + 1;
            std::string Decl = Text.substr(0, EndOfDecl);
            if (Decl.length() > 6 && Decl.substr(Decl.length()-6) == "(void)") {
                std::string NoVoid = Decl.substr(0, Decl.length()-6) + "()" + Text.substr(EndOfDecl);
                Replace->insert(Replacement(*Result.SourceManager, Function, NoVoid));
    } else if (TypedefDecl const *const Typedef = Nodes.getNodeAs<TypedefDecl>("td")) {
        std::string const Text = getText(*SM, *Typedef);
        if (Text.length() > 6 && Text.substr(Text.length()-6) == "(void)") {
            std::string const NoVoid = Text.substr(0, Text.length()-6) + "()";
            Replace->insert(Replacement(*Result.SourceManager, Typedef, NoVoid));

Add a new matcher to Finder:

  Finder.addMatcher(namedDecl().bind("td"), &Callback);

Now when we run remove-void-args . test.cpp, the test file is transformed into:

#include <cstdio>

int foo();

int foo() {
    return 0;

int bar() {
    return 0;

int feezle(int i) {
    return 0;

typedef int int_function();

typedef int (*int_function_ptr)();

and we've added support for typedefs to remove-void-args.

You'll find this version of the code in directory 5.

Member Functions

So far, we've only looked at C style constructs: free functions and typedef statements. Now let's see how well our tool handles member functions. Add the following code to test.cpp:

class gronk {
    void foo(void);
    void bar();

gronk::gronk(void) {

gronk::~gronk(void) {

void gronk::foo(void) {

void gronk::bar() {

Trying out remove-void-args on test.cpp to see how well we're doing with the existing code, we get:

class gronk {
    void foo();
    void bar();

gronk::gronk() {

gronk::~gronk() {

void gronk::foo() {

void gronk::bar() {

Great! We're already handling method declarations and definitions via our matches to FunctionDecl.

You'll find this version of the code in directory 6.