IAI Hackathon 2023 - Testeria - NodeJS Backend

20mil will be in our hands.

Getting started

  • Clone this repo. Set the active directory to the newly generated folder.
  • Install npm and then install required libraries:
npm install
  • Copy and change .env file based on the .env.example file (optional).
  • In the config folder, a JSON file that contains a Firebase Service Account (firebaseAdminPK.json) is needed. Use your self-generated file if you want to use your own Firebase database, or to use the official database, use the file that was secretly given.
  • Run the server with:
npm start
  • If you are running in a development environment, run the server with:
npm run dev
  • If running in a server, run the server by:
    • Build: npm run build
    • Serve: npm run serve
    • Use serve whenever the server restarts, use build whenever the code changed.



  • The route can be found in the routes.js file.
  • The front-end should try to validate the user input first (although we tried to validate as thorough as possible).
  • All request must be in JSON raw format like this (the uid or data is not needed every time but just add for safety measures):
    "uid": <the user's current uid>,
    "data": <request data, required data>
  • All response will be in JSON raw format like this:
    "msg": <status, could be ok/err>,
    "data": <additional response data>

User module

Route: /user/get

Request (POST): Get details of an specific user. Return the data of that user.

  • Requirement: Current user's uid
  • Body:
    "uid": "hPnZoOJ5K3VPD9BWgo7KtxkuUBC3",
    "data": "hPnZoOJ5K3VPD9BWgo7KtxkuUBC3"


    "msg": "ok",
    "data": {
        "uid": "hPnZoOJ5K3VPD9BWgo7KtxkuUBC3",
        "priv": "0",
        "email": "kna@gmail.com",
        "uname": "knc"

Route /user/update

Request (POST): Update details of the current user (not other user).

  • Requirement:
    • Current user's uid
    • New data
  • Body:
    "uid": "hPnZoOJ5K3VPD9BWgo7KtxkuUBC3",
    "data": {
        "uid": "hPnZoOJ5K3VPD9BWgo7KtxkuUBC3",
        "priv": "0",
        "email": "kna@gmail.com",
        "uname": "knc"


    "msg": "ok",
    "data": null

Route /user/init

Request (POST): Initialize new user data.

  • Requirement:
    • Current user's uid
    • New data
  • Body:
    "uid": "hPnZoOJ5K3VPD9BWgo7KtxkuUBC3",
    "data": {
        "uid": "hPnZoOJ5K3VPD9BWgo7KtxkuUBC3",
        "priv": "0",
        "email": "kna@gmail.com",
        "uname": "knc"


    "msg": "ok",
    "data": null

Room module

Route /room/create:

Request (POST): Create a new room, current user is the owner.

  • Requirement:
    • Require the room's data (as many as possible). Return the newly created room's id (rid).
    • The value of testid and qnum must be obtained first (by Flask server's API) before sending to this server.
    • testid and qnum can be blank (if user didn't upload the question file before).
    • diff represent the difficulty of the game, please set it in the range from 0 to 1 as float.
    • tframe is the maximum time allowed to answer a question (in seconds).
    • The rid uses base56 character set (23456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnpqrstuvwxyz).
  • Body:
    "uid": "hPnZoOJ5K3VPD9BWgo7KtxkuUBC3",
    "data": {
        "name": "t1 is the winner",
        "desc": "never gonna happen",
        "diff": 0.2,
        "tframe": 25,
        "testid": "f3cb7dc5bcda46d7999d0daaacefb4d6"
        "qnum": 69,


    "msg": "ok",
    "data": "sEGg69",

Route /room/update

Request (POST): Update the data of the desired room. Only change if the user sending it is the owner.

  • Requirement: Data contains room's id (everything else is optional).
  • Body:
    "uid": "hPnZoOJ5K3VPD9BWgo7KtxkuUBC3",
    "data": {
        "desc": "save me",
        "name": "cute name",
        "diff": 0.3,
        "rid": "4naDWJ"


    "msg": "ok",
    "data": null,

Route /room/delete

Request (POST): Delete the desired room. Only delete if the user sending it is the owner.

  • Requirement: Room's id.
  • Body
    "uid": "hPnZoOJ5K3VPD9BWgo7KtxkuUBC3",
    "data": "4naDWJ"


    "msg": "ok",
    "data": null,

Route /room/get

Request (POST): Get the data of the desired room.

  • Requirement: Room's id.
  • Body
    "uid": "hPnZoOJ5K3VPD9BWgo7KtxkuUBC3",
    "data": "5MAtq9"


    "msg": "ok",
    "data": {
        "owner": "hPnZoOJ5K3VPD9BWgo7KtxkuUBC3",
        "name": "t1 is the winner",
        "rid": "5MAtq9",
        "desc": "kill me",
        "diff": 0.2,
        "ended": false,
        "tframe": 25,
        "testid": "f3cb7dc5bcda46d7999d0daaacefb4d6"
        "qnum": 69,

Route /room/userlist

Request (POST): Get the current user list and their details of the desired room.

  • Requirement:
    • The room's id.
  • Body:
    "uid": "f2iEv5kKrtOua3bazpVFfW5t4hB2",
    "data": "sEGg69"


    "msg": "ok",
    "data": [
            "user": {
                "uid": "hPnZoOJ5K3VPD9BWgo7KtxkuUBC3",
                "priv": "0",
                "email": "kna@gmail.com",
                "uname": "knc"
            "data": {
                "mode": 9
            "user": {
                "uid": "QdAErfCdDOZl4sgDe3e0vlxPUWn1",
                "uname": "ball08",
                "priv": "0",
                "email": "maivannhatminh2005@gmail.com"
            "data": {
                "mode": 1

Route /room/join

Request (POST): Join the desired room.

  • Requirement:
    • Room's id.
    • When execute, all users joined in the room will be notified (using WS, more detail in the WS section).
  • Body:
    "uid": "f2iEv5kKrtOua3bazpVFfW5t4hB2",
    "data": "sEGg69"


    "msg": "ok",
    "data": null,

Route /room/leave

Request (POST): Leave the desired room.

  • Requirement:
    • The room's id.
    • When execute, all users joined in the room will be notified (using WS, more detail in the WS section).
  • Body:
    "uid": "f2iEv5kKrtOua3bazpVFfW5t4hB2",
    "data": "sEGg69"


    "msg": "ok",
    "data": null,

Game module

  • This module uses WebSocket (aka WS), specifically Socket.io for the most part.
  • Each user will now be identified by a socket ID, and multiple socket ID can be used by a single user at the same time (i.e. an user can join multiple game at the same time).
  • The event name starting with post- is from client (you post the requests to the server), get- is from server (you get the updates from the server).
  • Note: You would need the Flask server running to be able to check for the answer.

Route /game/get

Request (POST): Get the current player status of this game (of course not including other players "sensitive" data).

This should be (mostly) used whenever the user join in the first time, or when the user reconnect (to get the lost game data). The intended way to get the data in real-time is through listening to WS events.

  • Requirement:
    • The room's id.
  • Body:
    "uid": "f2iEv5kKrtOua3bazpVFfW5t4hB2",
    "data": "sEGg69"


    "msg": "ok",
    "data": {
        "details": {},
        "players": {
            "QdAErfCdDOZl4sgDe3e0vlxPUWn1": {
                "online": false,
                "ready": 0,
                "ended": false
            "hPnZoOJ5K3VPD9BWgo7KtxkuUBC3": {
                "online": false,
                "ready": 9,
                "ended": false

Route /game/summary

Request (POST): Get the summary after the user finishes the game.

  • Requirement:
    • The room's id.
  • Body:
    "uid": "f2iEv5kKrtOua3bazpVFfW5t4hB2",
    "data": "sEGg69"


    "msg": "ok",
    "data": {
        "corCnt": 1,
        "gems": 0,
        "mode": 9,
        "points": -331,
        "ts": 1691219695607,
        "totalTime": 95607,
        "totalQues": 0

Route /game/context/get

Request (POST): Get the current player context of this game (saved locally in the player's browser).

This data is used by the front-end.

This should be used whenever the user need to get the lost context.

  • Requirement:
    • The room's id.
  • Body:
    "uid": "f2iEv5kKrtOua3bazpVFfW5t4hB2",
    "data": "sEGg69"


    "msg": "ok",
    "data": {

Route /game/context/post

Request (POST): Post the current player context of this game (saved locally in the player's browser).

This data is used by the front-end.

This should be used to backup the game.

  • Requirement:
    • The room's id.
    • Data of that player.
  • Body:
    "uid": "f2iEv5kKrtOua3bazpVFfW5t4hB2",
    "rid": "sEGg69",
    "data": ...


    "msg": "ok",
    "data": null

Event post-joinRoom

Request server to join the current socket to a WS room, so that this socket can listen to events happening in the desired WS room.

Note that it's different from the very first request to join a "game room" (use /room/join above). This can be used whenever the user reconnect.


  • Arg1: <User's id>
  • Arg2: <Room's id>



Event get-join

Notify when a new user join the game room. It will be sent automatically to all user in the room by server when someone use /room/join.


  • Arg1: <New user details>


    "uid": "QdAErfCdDOZl4sgDe3e0vlxPUWn1",
    "uname": "ball08",
    "priv": "0",
    "email": "maivannhatminh2005@gmail.com"

Event get-leave

Notify when a user leave the game room. It will be sent automatically to all user in the room by server when someone use /room/leave.


  • Arg1: <Left user's id>



Event get-state

Notify when a user is online/offline. It will be sent automatically to all user in the room by server when someone connect/disconnect.


  • Arg1: <User's id>
  • Arg2: <State> (online: true / offline: false)



Event get-ready

Notify when a user is ready. It will be sent automatically to all user in the room by server when someone update their ready state.

There are 3 values possible:

  • 0: User is not ready yet/cancel ready (needs to press ready button).
  • 1: User pressed ready button (ready to participate).
  • 2: User client loaded all the game content and fully prepared for the game (ready to start the timer).


  • Arg1: <User's id>
  • Arg2: <State> (0: not ready / 1: pressed ready button / 2: fully prepared)



Event post-ready

Post the current user's ready status to the server.

There are 3 values possible:

  • 0: User is not ready yet/cancel ready (needs to press ready button).
  • 1: User pressed ready button (ready to participate).
  • 2: User client loaded all the game content and fully prepared for the game (ready to start the timer).


  • Arg1: <State> (0: not ready, 1: pressed ready button / 2: fully prepared)

Event get-start

Notify when the game started/the timer started.

There are 2 values possible:

  • 1: Owner pressed the start button (and then all players started to load the game content...).
  • 2: All user had loaded the game content and fully prepared for the game (start the timer).


  • Arg1: <State> (1: pressed start button / 2: fully prepared)

Event post-start

Post the request to start the game. Only the owner can post this request (others' will be ignored).

Body: None.

Event post-startQues

Post the request to start the question. The clock will be started.


  • Arg1: <Question Number> (index start from 0)

Example (Fifth question):


Event post-answer

Post the user's answer of a specific question to the server.

Note: You would need the Flask server running.


  • Arg1: <Question Number> (index start from 0)
  • Arg2: <User's answer> (index start from 0, i.e 0=A, 1=B, 2=C, 3=D)
  • Arg3: <User's stats> (includes hp, atk, def, buff)

Example (Fifth question, chose A):

    "hp": 20,
    "def": 15,
    "atk": 4,
    "buff": 0

Event get-answer

The server's verdict of the user's answer.

Note: You would need the Flask server running.


  • Arg1: <Question Number> (index start from 0)
  • Arg2: <Verdict> (false = Incorrect, true = Correct)

Example (Fifth question, user was correct):


Event get-playerData

Notify when the data of a user is changed.


  • Arg1: <User's id>
  • Arg2: <Correct streak>
  • Arg3: <Number of correct answers>
  • Arg4: <Points>



Event get-end

Notify when a user ended the game.

Note: Gems will be added automatically after the game. Data of that player in the game will also be saved.


  • Arg1: <User's id>
  • Arg2: <Rewarded gems>



Event post-end

Declare that this user ended the game. Also send some data (particularly gem count) to the server.


  • Arg1: <Rewarded gems>



Event get-stop

Notify when the owner (or the server) decided to stop the game immediately.

Player when got this event will need to trigger the post-end event immediately.

Body: None.

Event post-stop

Stop this current game, force all player to end the game. Can only be used by the owner (or the server).

Body: None.

Shop module

Route /shop

Request (POST): Get all the items the shop currently have.

  • Requirement: None.
  • Body: None.


    "msg": "ok",
    "itemList": {
        "hihi": {
            "cost": 99999,
            "name": "hihi",
            "type": "skin",
            "description": "blue eye's white dragonn"

Route /shop/buy

Request (POST): Buy an item

  • Requirement:
    • user's uid
    • item's name/id
  • Body:
    "uid": "hPnZoOJ5K3VPD9BWgo7KtxkuUBC3",
    "data": {
        "item": "hihi"


  • When buy successfully:
    "data": "lol",
    "msg": "ok thank for purchasing"
  • When buy failed (insufficient balance):
    "data": "lol",
    "msg": "err insufficient balance"
  • When buy failed (item possessed):
    "data": "lol",
    "msg": "err you already have this item"

Group module

Route /group

Request (POST): Get the required group

  • Requirement:
    • groupId
  • Body:
    "uid": "hPnZoOJ5K3VPD9BWgo7KtxkuUBC3",
    "data": {
        "groupId": "tk6YtR"


    "msg": "ok",
    "data": {
        "groupId": "tk6YtR",
        "name": "TeamOne",
        "description": "20 mil",
        "ownerId": "hPnZoOJ5K3VPD9BWgo7KtxkuUBC3"

Route group/properties

Request (POST): Get a group's properties (members, rooms, ...)

  • Requirement:
    • user's uid
    • group's id
  • Body:
    "uid": "hPnZoOJ5K3VPD9BWgo7KtxkuUBC3",
    "data": {
        "groupId": "tk6YtR"


    "msg": "ok",
    "data": {
        "members": {
            "QdAErfCdDOZl4sgDe3e0vlxPUWn1": {
                "overall": 1428,
                "role": "member"
            "hPnZoOJ5K3VPD9BWgo7KtxkuUBC3": {
                "role": "owner"
            "xd8dbmwQ0ES6Uy5iwFGPri1v0Cu2": {
                "overall": 2100,
                "role": "member"
        "rooms": {
            "hCNWab": {
                "status": "ok"
            "iSe9VR": {
                "status": "ok"

Route /group/all

Request (POST): Get all the user's groups.

  • Requirement:
    • user's uid
  • Body:
    "uid": "QdAErfCdDOZl4sgDe3e0vlxPUWn1"


    "msg": "ok",
    "groupInfoList": [
            "groupId": "3R48xv",
            "name": "Trò chơi vương quyền",
            "description": 20,
            "ownerId": "QdAErfCdDOZl4sgDe3e0vlxPUWn1",
            "memberCount": 1
            "groupId": "kqwkWH",
            "name": "Trò chơi Giải Tích I",
            "description": 20,
            "ownerId": "QdAErfCdDOZl4sgDe3e0vlxPUWn1",
            "memberCount": 1
            "groupId": "yciGEk",
            "name": "TeamFour",
            "description": "0 mil",
            "ownerId": "QdAErfCdDOZl4sgDe3e0vlxPUWn1",
            "memberCount": 1

Route /group/all/rooms

Request (POST): Get all the room in all the groups

  • Requirement:
    • user's uid
  • Body:
    "uid": "xd8dbmwQ0ES6Uy5iwFGPri1v0Cu2"


    "msg": "ok",
    "data": {
        "ZSUvSf": {
            "owner": "hPnZoOJ5K3VPD9BWgo7KtxkuUBC3",
            "qnum": 0,
            "name": "",
            "ended": false,
            "diff": 0,
            "testid": "",
            "rid": "ZSUvSf",
            "tframe": 30,
            "desc": ""
        "xVBmrK": {
            "owner": "hPnZoOJ5K3VPD9BWgo7KtxkuUBC3",
            "qnum": 0,
            "name": "",
            "ended": false,
            "diff": 0,
            "testid": "",
            "rid": "xVBmrK",
            "tframe": 30,
            "desc": ""
        "hCNWab": {
            "owner": "f2iEv5kKrtOua3bazpVFfW5t4hB2",
            "qnum": 0,
            "name": "hi",
            "diff": 0,
            "testid": "",
            "rid": "hCNWab",
            "tframe": 30,
            "desc": "wtf"
        "iSe9VR": {
            "owner": "hPnZoOJ5K3VPD9BWgo7KtxkuUBC3",
            "qnum": 46,
            "name": "pls work",
            "diff": 0.2,
            "testid": "49dd0826739d4cbfac772bbf3cbf2b00",
            "rid": "iSe9VR",
            "tframe": 30,
            "desc": "vua ve nhi"

Route group/create

Request (POST): Create a new group

  • Requirement:
    • user's id
    • group's data
  • Body
    "uid": "hPnZoOJ5K3VPD9BWgo7KtxkuUBC3",
    "data": {
        "name": "TeamOne",
        "desc": "20 mil"



    "msg": "ok group created",
    "data": {
        "groupId": "tk6YtR"

Route /group/members/add

Request (POST): Add a member to the group

  • Requirement:
    • groupId
    • memberId
  • Body:
    "uid": "hPnZoOJ5K3VPD9BWgo7KtxkuUBC3",
    "data": {
        "groupId": "tk6YtR",
        "member": "xd8dbmwQ0ES6Uy5iwFGPri1v0Cu2"


    "msg": "ok added member",
    "data": "xd8dbmwQ0ES6Uy5iwFGPri1v0Cu2"

Route group/rooms/create

Request (POST): Add a new room into the group

  • Requirement:
    • user's id
    • group id
    • room data
  • Body:
    "uid": "hPnZoOJ5K3VPD9BWgo7KtxkuUBC3",
    "data": {
        "groupId": "tk6YtR",
        "roomData": {


    "msg": "ok added new room",
    "data": "5v6hrh"

Route group/rooms/add

Request (POST): Add an existing room into the group

  • Requirement:
    • user's id
    • group id
    • room's id
  • Body:
    "uid": "hPnZoOJ5K3VPD9BWgo7KtxkuUBC3",
    "data": {
        "groupId": "tk6YtR",
        "roomId": "iSe9VR"


    "msg": "ok added room",
    "data": "iSe9VR"

Route group/ranking

Request(POST): Get the group's ranking

  • Requirement:
    • Group's id
  • Body:
    "uid": "hPnZoOJ5K3VPD9BWgo7KtxkuUBC3",
    "data": {
        "groupId": "tk6YtR"


    "msg": "ok ranking",
    "data": [
            "rank": 1,
            "memberData": {
                "uid": "xd8dbmwQ0ES6Uy5iwFGPri1v0Cu2",
                "uname": "kanaluvu",
                "priv": "0",
                "email": "mail@gmail.com"
            "overallEvaluation": 2100
            "rank": 2,
            "memberData": {
                "uid": "QdAErfCdDOZl4sgDe3e0vlxPUWn1",
                "uname": "ball08",
                "priv": "0",
                "email": "maivannhatminh2005@gmail.com"
            "overallEvaluation": 1428

Storage module

Route /storage/get

Request (POST): Get the user's balance and inventory

  • Requirement:
    • user's uid
  • Body:
    "uid": "hPnZoOJ5K3VPD9BWgo7KtxkuUBC3"


    "data": {
        "items": {
            "hihi": {
                "cost": 99999,
                "name": "hihi",
                "description": "blue eye's white dragonn",
                "type": "skin"
        "balance": 1234550
    "msg": "ok"

Route /storage/update

Request (POST): Update user's balance (balance only because user's items will be updated from the server)

  • Requirement
    • user's uid
    • action: "set", "deposit", "withdraw"
    • the new's balance("set") / the amount of changes("deposit","withdraw")
  • Body:
    "uid": "hPnZoOJ5K3VPD9BWgo7KtxkuUBC3",
    "data": {
        "action": "set",
        "amount": 1234550


    "msg": "ok",
    "currentBalance": 1234550