Legend-State is a super fast and powerful state library that enables fine-grained reactivity and easy automatic persistence
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backend error handling and possible sync queue bug
#375 opened by thosmos - 2
Computed of object is not reactive
#350 opened by lishine - 0
- 1
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Manual types with null cause issues with computed
#369 opened by boar-is - 4
V3 computed state type problems
#346 opened by mctrafik - 1
V3: `useTraceListeners` prints nothing
#372 opened by boar-is - 1
V3: `useTraceUpdates` TypeError: Cannot destructure property 'value' of 'undefined' as it is undefined.
#373 opened by boar-is - 1
V3: Reactive typings are completely broken
#370 opened by boar-is - 1
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Observable with syncedCrud is pushing two duplicate records when inserted single
#366 opened by AbhieShinde - 3
Observable is not a function (it is undefined) error
#368 opened by zoltlabs - 14
Supabase realtime sync after back online
#362 opened by NekodRider - 2
[Question] Is there a way to convert an observable to a normal React state?
#364 opened by phuongphamx96 - 1
Supabase realtime sync + pagination
#363 opened by catalinmiron - 2
CRUD sync plugin: how to ensure that latest object version is synced successfully
#361 opened by bananaoomarang - 2
Tanstack Query Client does not work with Convex' Tanstack Query Plugin
#358 opened by FleetAdmiralJakob - 2
v3 + indexedDB => Type Error
#357 opened by luudv - 3
crud plugin: onSaved not firing
#349 opened by mdj-uk - 2
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Supabase plugin type issue
#345 opened by GeekJC - 1
[Question] SQLite Persist Plugin?
#339 opened by iykazrji - 2
Bug: React 19 - Removed Export
#312 opened by andrewpeters9 - 10
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Observable double run v3
#348 opened by lishine - 0
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onChange from computed does not fire
#331 opened by lishine - 1
Supabase sync & persist issues
#344 opened by bishsbytes - 0
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Type problems v3
#338 opened by lishine - 2
Auto unwrapping
#341 opened by lishine - 15
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When to use indexedDB persistence vs. localStorage?
#326 opened by warrenbhw - 5
Inconsistent peek behavior in v3 alpha
#319 opened by marbemac - 4
Sync with Supabase without realtime?
#336 opened by trestrantham - 0
TS2379: Argument of type is not assignable to parameter of type with 'exactOptionalPropertyTypes: true'. Consider adding undefined to the types of the target's properties.
#337 opened by boar-is - 0
Wrong typings for a setter overload
#335 opened by boar-is - 3
Array.find has strange behaviour/updates
#333 opened by mkhennoussi - 7
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How to be reactive to size of Map
#322 opened by lishine - 6
Supabase docs example has bad types
#323 opened by warrenbhw - 1
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Refreshing useObservable upon deps change
#316 opened by lishine - 1
Async batching?
#318 opened by evelant - 0