LSD - Legendary Swords Database

TL;DR 💨:

Run using docker 🏗:

  1. run $ docker compose up 🏗
  2. after docker compose finishes and runs up containers, go to http://localhost:8000/
  3. enjoy the app ✨ (if there are some problems - see troubleshoots 🔥🚒 section of this readme file)
  4. run $ docker compose exec backend bash
  5. run $ source /venv/bin/activate to activate virtual environment
  6. run $ cd app/
  7. run $ ./scripts/ to run tests.
  8. run $ ./scripts/ to run pylinter.
  9. run $ ./scripts/mypy to run mypy.

Run using mamba🐍(faster and smaller than conda):

Installing mamba:

  1. Follow official installation guide

Running using mamba:

  1. using mamba install conda-lock package, running $ mamba install conda-lock
  2. in the project root run $ ./scripts/ to create LSD-server environment to run the application
  3. run $ mamba activate LSD-server to activate new installed environment
  4. run $ docker compose up db to run postgresql database
  5. run $ cd app/app/ and then $ python -m main to start application
  6. go to http://localhost:8000/ and enjoy the app ✨
  7. run $ cd ../ and then $ ./scripts/ -c to run tests with coverage.
  8. run $ ./scripts/ to run pylinter.
  9. run $ ./scripts/ to run mypy.

Run using conda 🐍:

Installing conda:

  1. Follow official installation guide
  2. It is recommended to install Miniconda, because it will take less disk space.

Running using conda:

  1. using conda install conda-lock package, running $ conda install conda-lock
  2. in the project root run $ ./scripts/ to create LSD-server environment to run the application
  3. run $ conda activate LSD-server to activate new installed environment
  4. run $ docker compose up db to run postgresql database
  5. run $ cd app/app/ and then $ python -m main to start application
  6. go to http://localhost:8000/ and enjoy the app ✨
  7. run $ cd ../ and then $ ./scripts/ -c to run tests with coverage.
  8. run $ ./scripts/ to run pylinter.
  9. run $ ./scripts/ to run mypy.


We use pylint to check quality of our code. There is a script to run pylint on the whole codebase. To run it just run the script:

 $ ./scripts/

There can be situation where pylint is wrong, but we can avoid it by using comments for pylint, which tell it to disable warning.

# some code without warnings ...

# here we want to disable warning with the name no-self-argument:
# pylint: disable=no-self-argument
# reason: pydantic validator doesn't work with self argument.

# some code which causes the warning...

# pylint: enable=no-self-argument

# some code without warnings ...

Also we have the .pylintrc file, which stores global settings for pylinter, for example good names:

# Good variable names which should always be accepted
# Pylinter will not give warnings to these short names
good-names=i, j, df, db

Useful links

Troubleshoots 🔥🚒:

  • Make sure you run commands from appropriate directory. If you run scripts, run them in the directory where the scripts/ directory lies, not inside the scripts/ directory.
  • If you have problems with conda, try to run $ ./scripts/ in the project root to add conda-forge channel to conda. Then try to create conda environment again.
  • If you have problems with docker compose, be sure you run newer docker compose tool instead of older docker-compose