
A Discord bot designed to provide Archipelago-specific functionality. Find it in use at the Archipelago Discord.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A Discord bot designed to provide Archipelago-specific functionality. Find it in use at the Archipelago Discord.

Install it to your server by clicking here:
Install ArchipelaBot on your server!

Current Features

  • Automatically delete ROM files, and compressed files containing them
  • Generate single-player or multiplayer games using the generate command
  • Connect to a running Archipelago server as a spectator and print messages to a Discord channel

Supported Games

All games supported by the Multiworld Multi-Game Randomizer Archipelago are compatible and have full MultiWorld compatibility with each other.



  • node and npm should be installed to run the bot and install dependencies


A config.json file is required to be present in the base directory of the repository. This file should contain your Discord bot's secret key.

Example config:

  "token": "discord-bot-token",
  "clientId": "application-client-id"

If you intend to create your own bot on Discord using the code in this repository, your bot will need permissions granted by the permissions integer 274878032960.

The following permissions will be granted to ArchipelaBot:

  • View Channels
  • Send Messages
  • Send Messages in Threads
  • Manage Messages
  • Embed Links
  • Attach Files
  • Add Reactions
  • Read Message History


# Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/LegendaryLinux/ArchipelaBot

# Enter its directory
cd ArchipelaBot

# Install required packages
npm install

# Set up your config.json file
vim config.json

# Run the bot
node bot.js