
dev-radio is cmdline tool written with python3 and click to listen to radio streams and developer podcasts

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

License Code Grade Code Quality Score Code style: black PyPi Version PyPI - Downloads


dev-radio is simple command line tool to listen to radio and developer podcasts.

Listen to radio.

Snap! Radio GIF is dead

Listen to podcasts.

Snap! Podcast GIF is dead


  1. How to install
  2. How to use
    1. dev-radio help
    2. Radio
      1. Radio help
      2. List all the radio stations.
      3. Playing a radio station.
      4. Adding a new radio station.
      5. Deleting a radio station.
      6. Renaming a radio station.
      7. Resetting all radio station to default ones.
      8. Check which stations are working.
    3. Podcast
      1. Podcast help.
      2. List all the podcasts.
      3. Show all the episodes of a podcast.
      4. Play an episode of a podcast.
  3. Setting up for development.


Just run pip install dev-radio

use pip3 if you are on Linux.


Help menu

Shows the help menu about dradio and it's subcommands.

$ dradio --help


Play radio streams.

radio help

$ dradio radio --help

# Using alias.
$ dradio rad --help

Listing all the radio stations.

$ dradio radio --list

# Using alias.
$ dradio radio -L
# or 
$ dradio rad -L

Playing a radio station named jpop.

$ dradio radio --play jpop

# Using alias
$ dradio radio -P jpop
# or 
$ dradio rad -P jpop

Adding new radio station.

# adds a new station with name hip-hop0
$ dradio radio --add-station hip-hop0 https://stream.laut.fm/1000hiphop

# Using alias 
$ dradio radio -A hip-hop0 https://stream.laut.fm/1000hiphop
# or 
$ dradio rad -A hip-hop0 https://stream.laut.fm/1000hiphop

Deleting a radio station.

$ dradio radio --del-station hip-hop0

# Using alias
$ dradio radio -D hip-hop0
# or
$ dradio rad -D hip-hop0

Renaming a radio station.

$ dradio radio --rename-station hip-hop0 hip-hop

# Using alias
$ dradio radio -R hip-hop0 hip-hop 
# or
$ dradio rad -R hip-hop0 hip-hop

Resetting all the stations to default ones.

This deletes any newly added stations, renamed stations and restores the default radio stations.

$ dradio radio --reset 

# No alias for reset option.
$ dradio rad --reset

Check which stations are working.

$ dradio radio --check 

# Using alias
$ dradio radio -C
# or
$ dradio rad -C


Play podcasts.

podcast help

$ dradio podcast --help

# Using alias
$ dradio pod --help

List all the podcasts.

This prints list of all currently available podcasts.

$ dradio podcast --list

# Using alias
$ dradio pod --list
# or 
$ dradio pod -L

Show all the episodes of a podcast.

$ dradio podcast --all-eps stackoverflow

# Using alias
$ dradio podcast -A stackoverflow
# or 
$ dradio pod -A stackoverflow

Play an episode of a podcast.

# 0 is the episode ID NOT episode number.
# Passing episode ID as 0 plays the latest episode of the podcast.
$ dradio podcast --play stackoverflow 0

# Using alias
$ dradio podcast -P stackoverflow 0
# or
$ dradio pod -P stackoverflow 0

Setting up development environment.

  1. git clone https://github.com/Legion-God/dev-radio.git
  2. cd dev-radio then create your virtual environment virtualenv venv
  3. Activate your venv by entering source venv/bin/activate, if you are on Windows use .\venv\Scripts\activate
  4. pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. To install package locally, run pip install -e .
  6. And you are done !