- 6
- 6
- 3
- 3
- 3
Release 0.6.3 is broken
#36 opened by dignifiedquire - 19
Issue with Webpack
#13 opened by Anahkiasen - 7
Improve the API
#22 opened by geowarin - 1
React 0.14-compatible version
#34 opened by davejacobs - 5
harmony-reflect should be in dependencies
#32 opened by chadoh - 6
- 1
expect JSX?
#29 opened by vvo - 9
Cleanup globals after tests
#11 opened by geowarin - 0
Add wrapper for testing Alt stores
#18 opened by dphaener - 4
- 12
Usage in browser?
#14 opened by peteruithoven - 5
jsdom and node 12 vs node 4
#25 opened by NickStefan - 1
Add .element for testing elements
#16 opened by zackify - 1
Add renderComponentToString middleware
#8 opened by zackify - 1
add configuration options
#4 opened by zackify - 0
include jsdom in the library itself
#3 opened by zackify