
battle spot on smogon's very own version of the damage calc

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

B S S D A M A G E C A L C ~

Build Status

for all your bs singles calculations. based on the work by Jake White (@squirrelboyvgc)

The calculator now supports custom sets. These can be input within the calculator using the official Pokemon Showdown format.

Nickname (Species) @ Item
Ability: Name
Level: #
EVs: # Stat / # Stat / # Stat
Serious Nature
IVs: # Stat
- Move Name
- Move Name
- Move Name
- Move Name

The calculator also adds manual auras and aura breaks, as well as a completely new list of SwSh BSS sets.


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Jekyll uses the Liquid templating language, combined with a YAML Front-Matter to serve pages. This allows us to use templates and {% includes %} tags (see /_layouts/default.html) to avoid repeating content (such as the header used by both index.html and /_pages/privacy.html) with the following in the YAML Front-Matter:

layout: default

This means that any page with this Front-Matter will use default.html injected with its contents where it says {{ content }}.

Different layouts can be used but they would have to be created separately.

Aside from that, the repo should be fairly simple to navigate.

Build Instructions

  1. Install Ruby and Bundler.
  2. Double-click setup.bat (NOTE: This only needs to be done once!)
  3. Double click run.bat to view your changes!

Testing and PRing changes

We use travis-ci to maintain code standards. Please ensure your code passes our tests before submitting your PR!

  1. Install nodejs.
  2. Double click test.bat.
  3. Fix any errors (fix.bat could help with this!) turned up by the test!
  4. PR your changes!

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