realXtend Tundra 1.0.8 compatible Avatar Service

Avatar Service is a way for users to customize the appearance of their avatars using a simple web interface.

Installation using script

  • Prerequisites:
    • Tundra 1.0.8 (preferably with Collada support)
  1. Configure realxtend installation directory

    • modify variable "rex" (line 20) in, default directory is ~/src/realxtend/
  2. Set MySQL root password

    • modify variable "MYSQL_ROOT_PW" (line 32) in, default password is "N73J"
  3. (Optional) Set whether you want to use a custom mysql user for the service

    • modify variable "useRoot" (line 40) in, default value is "False"
  4. (Optional) Modify variables "MYSQL_USER" and "MYSQL_USER_PW" (lines 42 and 43) in

  5. Run as "sudo", otherwise the script won't be executed

Manual installation

  • Prerequisites:
    • Tundra 1.0.8 (preferably with Collada support), git, nodejs, apache2, php5-mysql, libapache2-mod-php5
  1. Copy folder "avatar-service" from naali/tools to your webroot (apache default is /var/www/)

  2. Import database from avatardb.sql

    • Set mysql login details in avatar-service/action/dbconnect.php
  3. Setup GLGE under avatar-service folder -> "avatar-service/glge" NOTE: Folder name must be "glge", not "GLGE" (git://

    • Requires nodejs for building
  4. Enable WebSocket for Tundra

    • Create a new file called "websocket.ini" in your naali/bin/pymodules/ folder
    • Copy and paste the following lines to "websocket.ini" and save it:



Using Avatar service

(At the moment works only with Chrome 12 or earlier version)

  • Launch Tundra server and load scene from avatar-service/scene/

  • Launch Chromium-browser and go to http://localhost/avatar-service/

  • Only admin can add/remove avatar models and remove/modify users

Important stuff

  • Interaction between Tundra server and database is not yet implemented

    • Current avatar-service test scene loads different avatars according to users login name ("test1" and "test2")
  • For an unknown reason, you need to have the avatar service scene related files (js scripts and mesh files) in your naali/bin/data/assets/ folder

    • The easiest way to get those files there is to launch server once and add the scene content by drag-n-dropping the avatar.txml file in to the server window
  • scene/models folder must have permissions (chmod 777) for apache if you want to add/remove avatars

  • 3 user accounts are created as default: admin, test1 and test2 (pw for all is "admin")