
Project in OOP course with C++

Task: Create a Garageapplication that holds a number of vehicles and simulates functions that can occur in an actual garage.

Need-to-have for the assignment:

Classes: An abstract baseklass, Vehicle, to be inherited by subclasses Car, Bicycle, Motorcycle, Truck and Bus. A garageclass that holds the functionality of the garage and an array of Vehicles.

FUNCTIONS: ListVehicles-prints all vehicles in the garage. ListTypeOfVehicles- prints all vehicletypes and how many of them there are in the garage. AddVehicle-Adds a vehicle to the garage. RemoveVehicle-removes a vehicle from the garage. MaxVehicles-have a maximum limit of parkingspots when instantiating a new garage. SearchVehicle- search for registrationnumber. Extended searchfunction to search for other parametres.