
Primary LanguageSolidityThe UnlicenseUnlicense

Omni Trivia Game

A Trivia Game built on Omni, playable on any Omni-supported chain.

How it works

The protocol has two contracts

The first accepts submitting answers. The second maintains global leaderboard, and tracks each player's progress. Once a player first submit an answer to a question, they are eligible for rewards, and can claim them by sending a getReward call to the TriviaHost.


This example includes example solidity tests . They make use of Omni's MockPortal utility to test cross chain interactions.

Run tests with

make test

Try it out

To try out the contracts, you can deploy them to a local Omni devnet.

# Deploy testnet and contracts
make all
source deployments.sh

# Mint some test token for the player
make mint-op-token
make approve-op-token

# Add as many questions as you want
OWNER_PK=0x... QUESTION="Question 1" ANSWER="Answer 1" REWARD=1 make add-question

# Player now can get the question
make get-player-question
# Submit an answer
ANSWER="Answer 1" make get-answer-hash
ANSWER_HASH=xxxx make get-answer-fee
FEE=xxxx ANSWER_HASH=xxxx make submit-player-answer

# Player can get the leaderboard or progress
make get-leaderboard
make get-player-progress