This week-long course will cover the practicalities of single-cell sample prep and analysis with a particular focus on single-cell RNA-seq libraries. This course is aimed at both wet-lab researchers interested in learning how to analyze their own single-cell data sets, as well as bioinformaticians who are new to single-cell sequencing analysis.
14 – 18 October, 2019
Erasmus MC - Rotterdam, rooms Ae-4.06 (Ae wing, 4th floor) and Ae-3.21 (Ae wing, 3rd floor)
For Building Ae, take entrance B - Sophia hospital and follow the signs Ae.
Travel Directions:
Basic knowledge of the programming language R is a prerequisite for participation in the course.
All participants are required to bring their own laptops for this course. Make sure you have Rstudio and R (v3.5) installed before the course.
To be able to run all code chunks of the course you need to clone or download the course GitHub repository and start an R session in the repository folder. You will also need to install the packages listed here.
- Susan Kloet (LUMC)
- Miao Chien (Erasmus MC)
- Roberta Menafra (LUMC)
- Ahmed Mahfouz (LUMC/TU Delft)
- Marcel Reinders (LUMC/TU Delft)
- Natasja de Vries (LUMC)
- Thomas Höllt (LUMC/TU Delft)
- Susanne van den Brink (Hubrecht Institute)
- Indu Khatri (LUMC)
- Erik van den Akker (LUMC/TU Delft)
- Monique van der wijst (UMCG)
- Anna Alemany (Hubrecht Institute)
- Nathalie Groen (LUMC)
Ahmed Mahfouz