
Numbender - A Calculator that Bends Numbers

Primary LanguageJavaScript

🔢 Numbender

Numbender logo

🔢 Numbender - A Calculator that Bends Numbers

👀 Why? What is this all about?

I needed a calculator. And I wanted to learn about ReactNative.

📱 Supported Devices

Supports Expo Web Supports Expo Android Supports Expo iOS

🚀 Using

Enter a combination of numbers and operations, and enjoy the results.

👐🏻 Contributing


(But you can if you really want.)

⚗️ Development

⌨️ Installation

  • Install packages with pnpm install, npm install, or yarn.
    • If you have native iOS code run pnpx pod-install
  • Run pnpm start to start the bundler.
  • Open the project in a React runtime to try it:

Adding Native Code

This project can be run from a web browser or the Expo client app. You may find that you want to add more native code later on. You can do this by ejecting the project and rebuilding it yourself.

  • Run yarn eject to create the native projects.
  • You can still run your project in the web browser or Expo client, you just won't be able to access any new native modules you add.


  • Deploy the native app to the App store and Play store using this guide: Deployment.
  • Deploy the website using this guide: Web deployment.

📝 Notes

📝 Commit messages

Format: [icon](type): short description

Example: ⚪(doc): Create README.md

Use emoji to represent types.


  • 🟢(fea) a new feature added
  • 🟡(ref) refactor code
  • 🟠(fix) a normal bug fix
  • 🔴(cri) a critical bug fix
  • 🟣(sty) style update
  • 🔵(tes) tests
  • ⚪(doc) documentation
  • 🟤(cho) maintenance chores
  • ⚫(rem) an old feature removed
  • TODO: Improve emoji. Can you suggest other emoji schemes?
  • TODO: Define scopes. Maybe use other emoji for scopes?