
School project coded in python (2020)

Primary LanguagePython

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IESN - Projet Python

Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Tasks
  3. Authors
  4. Build with

About The Projet

It is a small board game (10 squares by default) on which a player moves and must collect candies that appear randomly. The player has one minute to collect as many as possible. When you pick up a candy, it may be that this candy is magic, the magic candies spawn between 1 and 5 candies. In the basic game we have two enemies that walk randomly on the map, once it touches a candy, the candy is eaten. If the enemy touches a player he loses 2 points. If the player touches more than 10 points, he loses all his points!


  • Prevent the player from going back [1
  • Add a second player [3]
  • Add randomly moving enemies [2]
  • Give different values to collected candies (possibly malus) [1]
  • Add bonus candies (for example make lots of candies appear) [2]
  • Encapsulate classes [1]
  • Use exceptions [2]
  • Allow to pause the game [3]
  • Improve enemies by giving them some intelligence (AI) [2]
  • Offer a different difficulty level (more time, penalties...) [2]
  • Prevent to leave the board [1]
  • Allow to pass through the walls and reappear on the other side [2
  • Save the top players [1] (in a file [3]) and display it in the game
  • Enhance the game to make it a snake [4]
  • Set colors (only works with PyCharm)
  • Candy with malus
  • Normal, difficult, custom mode
  • Allow to go to the gihub.
  • Display the readme in game


🛠 Build with