
School project coded in php (2020)

Primary LanguagePHP

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IESN - Projet Technique Web

Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Tasks
  3. Installation
  4. Authors
  5. Build with

About The Projet

Website allowing students to take online tests and teachers to retrieve the results.



  • Registration
  • Login
  • Logout
  • When a student logs in, he/she will have access to the MCQ.
  • He/she will have to choose among the different proposals, plus an "I don't know".
  • A button " finished " will allow to save the student's answers in the DB.
  • When a student has finished the assessment and logs in again with his login, his answer will be displayed.
  • Bonus: The student can choose from several quizzes (e.g. for different subjects)
  • Bonus: In each session, the questionnaire of the concerned MCQ is randomly generated:
    • Selection of 50% of the questions from the MCQ question pool.
    • Random order of the questions.
    • Random order of the proposed answers to the questions (with "I don't know" as the last proposal each time).
  • Bonus : Add a time indicator with countdown.
  • Bonus : Add a graph with results (http://www.highcharts.com/demo).
  • Bonus : Hasher passwords
  • Edit profile


  • Login
  • Log out
  • Students who have closed the exam (with their results)
  • Students who have not yet started
  • Students who are currently taking the assessment.
  • If a student who has completed the assessment is selected, the details of their assessment will be displayed.
  • Edit Profile
  • Add Exam
  • Delete Exam
  • Add questions/answers
  • Add questions/answers
  • Set an exam to a student


  1. Download repository.
  2. Create database with myExam.sql file.
  3. Edit database.php with your username, password and your name database.
        $servername = "servername ";
   	$username = "username";
   	$password = "password";


🛠 Build with