
Documentation and tools for reproducible update.zip builds

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This project tries to inventarize Google Apps for Android ("gapps") and their dependencies. Finally a script should be made which can create a flashable update zip from a trusted firmware file.

The base trusted firmware file is https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/images


Some helper tools were created for the purpose of creating an update.zip that contains APKs and other related files. Almost all of these files are released under the MIT license (see the header of the files). Exceptions are the binary jar files, see the copyright document for more details.

Requires Python 2.7.8 or 3.4.2 or newer due to Python issue 14315. If you cannot upgrade, try to edit /usr/lib/python2.7/zipfile.py (or /usr/lib/python3.4/zipfile.py) and change while extra: to while len(extra) >= 4: yourself.

Tested with Python 2.7.10 and 3.4.3 and OpenJDK 1.8.0_51 on Arch Linux x86_64. Tested with a patched Python 2.7.5-5ubuntu3 and 3.4.0-0ubuntu2 and OpenJDK 7u79-2.5.6-0ubuntu1.14.04.1 on Ubuntu 14.04LTS. It should also run on Windows and OS X though (if not, please fill a bug).

odex2apk.py uses oat2dex.jar from https://github.com/testwhat/SmaliEx. A Java 7 build is included in this repo. make-update-zip.py depends on odex2apk.py and signapk.jar. See the commit logs of those files for more details.


Convenience script that wraps around @testwhat's fork (https://github.com/testwhat/SmaliEx) of @JesusFreke's smali. For APKs that are missing the classes.dex file, it generates that file from odex files (only suitable for Android 5 (Lollipop) that uses ART!). Invoke with the --help option for verbose usage.


Script that uses odex2apk.py to deodex ART-optimized APKs and puts all package-related files into a flashable zip. The installer script inside the zip (update-binary) then basically unpacks the system/ folder to the /system partition (after mounting it).

Example invocation to create an update.zip file with the four basic files needed for Google Play, sync adapters for sharing contacts and calender with Google and a library for adding gesture typing support to the AOSP Keyboard:

./make-update-zip.py -o update.zip \
    -c keys/testkey.x509.pem -k keys/testkey.pk8 \
    -r /tmp/pfiles \
    GoogleLoginService GoogleServicesFramework Phonesky PrebuiltGmsCore \
    GoogleContactsSyncAdapter CalendarProvider \
    -f lib/libjni_latinimegoogle.so

In the above command, -r /tmp/pfiles specifies the location of the system partition contents (containing directories such as priv-app and framework). If not given, the current directory is assumed.

The certificate (keys/testkey.x509.pem) and private key (keys/testkey.pk8) must match the keys that were used to sign the system packages (also known as platform key). If these -c ... -k ... options are omitted, then you still have to sign the packages yourself using signapk.jar.

The resulting zip file can then be installed in recovery with:

adb sideload update.zip

Execute make-update-zip.py --help for more options.


For reproducible builds given the same files and signing keys, you must use the same Java major version. Otherwise signapk.jar orders the META-INF files differently and also produces a different manifest file (1.7.0_79 and 1.7.0_85 result in the same files, 1.7.0_79 and 1.8.0_51 are different).

odex2apk.py uses the same timestamp and OS metadata for classes.dex, based on AndroidManifest.xml inside the APK file, thereby achieving the same identical file contents.

make-update-zip.py only produces identical files after signing. While unsigned files have identical file contents, the metadata may be different between runs (file modification times and operating system origin).

Gapps documentation

The following sections document files related to Google apps.

The four required applications for Google Play are:

  • GoogleLoginService
  • GoogleServicesFramework
  • Phonesky
  • PrebuiltGmsCore


An update zip contains a META-INF directory and other helper files. In the case of gapps, the only other directory is system/.

Directory META-INF contains:

path under META-INF/ description
CERT.RSA Certificate for verifying the cert.sf signatures.
MANIFEST.MF Contains hashes for files in the archive.
CERT.SF Contains signatures for the entries in MANIFEST.MF.
com/google/android/update-binary Executed via Update zip, typically Edify.
com/google/android/updater-script Edify script invoked by an appropriate updater-binary program.

For details on MANIFEST.MF and CERT.SF, see How does an .apk files get signed. The update-binary is called by the Update zip feature in Recovery (see install.cpp). It is typically an Edify program which reads updater-script (see updater.cpp).

The following files exist in Google's factory image for the Nexus 5 (5.1.0 LMY47I) and not in a CyanogenMod 12.1 build (from source at 2015-04-18).


Apps in system/priv-app/ are "privileged" apps which can gain more privileges than other system apps in system/app/ (see AOSP Privileged vs System app). Also note that apk files (Shell/Shell.apk) which are deodexed require the corresponding odex file (for example, Shell/arm/Shell.odex). See What are ODEX files in Android?. Files marked with an * below are not odexed.

path under system/priv-app/ package name description
AndroidForWork com.google.android.androidforwork
GCS* com.google.android.apps.gcs Google Connectivity Services (built-in VPN service?).
GoogleBackupTransport com.google.android.backuptransport Backup your data to Google's server.
GoogleContacts com.google.android.contacts Google's replacement for the standard Contacts app.
GoogleDialer com.google.android.dialer Google's replacement for the standard Dialer app.
GoogleFeedback com.google.android.feedback Submits error reports to Google.
GoogleLoginService com.google.android.gsf.login Log in with a Google account.
GoogleOneTimeInitializer com.google.android.onetimeinitializer Notifies other Google apps once (Play Store, Camera, Voice Dialer and Google Voice Search).
GooglePartnerSetup com.google.android.partnersetup Collects tracking information ("RLZ").
GoogleServicesFramework com.google.android.gsf Required by many apps.
Hangouts* com.google.android.talk Google Hangouts.
MusicFX com.android.musicfx Sound Effects.
Phonesky* com.android.vending Google Play Store.
PrebuiltGmsCore* com.google.android.gms Google Play Services.
SetupWizard com.google.android.setupwizard Configures device for first time use.
TagGoogle com.google.android.tag Google's replacement for Tag (NFC app)
Velvet* com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox Google Search and Google Now.
Wallet* com.google.android.apps.walletnfcrel Google Wallet.

For some reason system/priv-app/Launcher2/arm/Launcher2.odex exists without a matching Launcher2.apk.

Non-system apps do not have to be installed. For completeness, a list of files in system/app/:

path under system/app/ package name description
Books com.google.android.apps.books
BrowserProviderProxy com.android.browser.provider
CalendarGooglePrebuilt com.google.android.calendar
Chrome com.android.chrome Chrome web browser (uses libs, see below).
CloudPrint2 com.google.android.apps.cloudprint
ConfigUpdater com.google.android.configupdater
DeskClockGoogle com.google.android.deskclock
DMAgent com.google.android.apps.enterprise.dmagent
Drive com.google.android.apps.docs
EditorsDocs com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.docs
EditorsSheets com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.sheets
EditorsSlides com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.slides
FaceLock com.android.facelock
FitnessPrebuilt com.google.android.apps.fitness
GoogleCamera com.google.android.GoogleCamera
GoogleContactsSyncAdapter com.google.android.syncadapters.contacts
GoogleEars com.google.android.ears
GoogleEarth com.google.earth
GoogleHindiIME com.google.android.apps.inputmethod.hindi
GoogleHome com.google.android.launcher
GooglePinyinIME com.google.android.inputmethod.pinyin
GoogleTTS com.google.android.tts
iWnnIME jp.co.omronsoft.iwnnime.ml Japanese input method (uses libs, see below).
KoreanIME com.google.android.inputmethod.korean
LatinImeGoogle com.google.android.inputmethod.latin
Maps com.google.android.apps.maps
MediaShortcuts com.google.android.gallery3d
Music2 com.google.android.music
Newsstand com.google.android.apps.magazines
OmaDmclient com.redbend.vdmc
PartnerBookmarksProvider com.android.providers.partnerbookmarks
Photos com.google.android.apps.photos
PlayGames com.google.android.play.games
PlusOne com.google.android.apps.plus
PrebuiltEmailGoogle com.google.android.email
PrebuiltExchange3Google com.google.android.gm.exchange
PrebuiltGmail com.google.android.gm
PrebuiltKeep com.google.android.keep
PrebuiltNewsWeather com.google.android.apps.genie.geniewidget
SprintHiddenMenu com.lge.SprintHiddenMenu
Street com.google.android.street
SunBeam com.android.phasebeamorange
talkback com.google.android.marvin.talkback
Videos com.google.android.videos
WebViewGoogle com.google.android.webview
YouTube com.google.android.youtube

Other system files

Data which is installed to the system partition (mounted under /system) are listed below.

path under system/ description
usr/srec/ Speech recognition files (for Google Voice?).
vendor/lib/libfrsdk.so Face Recognition library.
vendor/media/LMspeed_508.emd for Google Hangouts?
vendor/media/PFFprec_600.emd see LMspeed_508.emd
vendor/pittpatt/ Model files for face recognition.

The com.google.*.xml files in /system/etc/permissions have only effect if a corresponding /system/framework/com.google.*.jar file exist. Overview of such files:

permission xml and framework jar name description
com.google.android.maps Required for apps that use the Google Maps API.
path under system/ description
etc/firmware/wcd9320 Audio chip.
etc/preferred-apps/google.xml Sets which apps are triggered by which Google apps.
etc/sysconfig/google_build.xml Sets some feature flags like marking it as a Google-branded phone.
etc/sysconfig/google.xml Allows GMS, Play store and Volta to run in powersave.
etc/updatecmds/google_generic_update.txt Commands to move files associated with base Google packages.
lib/hw/power.hammerhead.so Hammerhead Power HAL (not needed)
lib/hw/power.msm8974.so Qualcomm Power HAL (not needed)
lib/soundfx/libfmas.so Some audio effects.
framework/com.android.nfc_extras.jar Empty jar file, why...?

Files under /system/lib/

While most of the files in /system/lib/ are library files, there is an exception for a certain set of files. These are text files:

  • lib_dic_en_tablet_USUK.conf.so
  • lib_dic_en_USUK.conf.so
  • lib_dic_ja_JP.conf.so
  • lib_dic_morphem_ja_JP.conf.so

The libEnjemailuri.so, libennj*.so and libnj*.so files all start and terminate with the character sequence NJDC. These files match:

  • libEnjemailuri.so, libennjcon.so, libennjubase1gb.so, libennjubase1.so, libennjubase1us.so, libennjubase2.so, libennjubase3.so, libennjyomi.so,
  • libnjaddress.so, libnjcon.so, libnjemoji.so, libnjexyomi_plus.so, libnjexyomi.so, libnjfzk.so, libnjkaomoji.so, libnjname.so, libnjtan.so, libnjubase1.so, libnjubase2.so,

The above sets of files seem to be used by libiwnn.so which references the string NJDC. This library is used by iWnnIME which is an input method for Japanese. The file /system/framework/framework-res.apk also contains a reference to the string iwnn.

path under lib/ description
libchrome.2214.89.so Used by Chrome app (symlinked from it).
libchromium_android_linker.so Used by Chrome app (symlinked from it).
libfacelock_jni.so Used by FaceLock app.
libfilterpack_facedetect.so Used by com.google.android.media.effects.
libgcam.so Used by GoogleCamera app.
libgcam_swig_jni.so Used by GoogleCamera app.
libgoogle_hotword_jni.so Guessed: "Ok Google" hotword detection (Search).
libgoogle_recognizer_jni_l.so Used by GoogleTTS and GoogleEars.
libiwnn.so Used by the iWnnIME app (see above).
libjni_latinimegoogle.so Used by LatinImeGoogle app.
liblightcycle.so Used by PlusOne and GoogleCamera apps.
libnativehelper_compat_libc++.so Used by libgcam_swig_jni.so (GoogleCamera).
libpatts_engine_jni_api.so Used by GoogleTTS app.
libQSEEComAPI.so Qualcomm crypto API (facilitates DRM).
librefocus.so Used by GoogleCamera app.
libspeexwrapper.so Used by GoogleTTS app.
libvcdecoder_jni.so Used by GoogleEars app.
libvorbisencoder.so Used by GoogleEars app.

Other resources