Please Note: A new version is here now:
My personal portfolio & blog. Built with Gatsby.js.
- i18n (German & English)
- Integration of nearly all Prismic features (slices, content relationships, single/repeatable type, labels)
- Gatsby-Image (Responsive images) & PrismJS highlighting (using slices and labels)
- Tags & Categories
- Suggestions for further reading below project/blogpost
- SEO (sitemap, data, OpenGraph & Twitter tags)
- Husky + Lint-Staged
- Hosted on Netlify
- as Headless CMS
- styled-components for styling
- ESLint & Prettier for linting
- for E2E-testing
- CircleCI
Only for educational purposes! You are not allowed to use this site publicly and/or commercially.
You are not permitted to use, modify, or share the software for any purpose other than for private educational purposes.
Looking for more guidance? Full documentation for Gatsby lives on Gatsby's website.
- To learn more about Gatsby themes specifically, we recommend checking out the theme docs.
For most developers, I recommend starting with the in-depth tutorial for creating a site with Gatsby. It starts with zero assumptions about your level of ability and walks through every step of the process.
To dive straight into code samples, head to Gatsby's documentation. In particular, check out the Reference Guides and Gatsby API sections in the sidebar.