
Open source ThreeJS Project

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Welcome at the open-source project named Cosmic Adventure

  • What is this project about ?

    • It's a Quizz about 3 choices, the point is to get someone matching the same half cube!
  • What languages & framework are used ?

    • This Project is using Typescript as main Language, there's also some Scss (I primarly used it to improve my skills on it :P), and some regular HTML. The Frameworks used during are Vanilla Typescript setuped by Vite, as Graphic framework, it's using Threejs, a 3D javascript framework.


You should have:

JSON Structure of the data which is used for all the project

    "Questions": [
            "Answer1": "...",
            "Answer2": "...",
            "Answer3": "...",
            "colors": [

"Answer1": a string representing the first answer option of the question "Answer2": a string representing the second answer option of the question "Answer3": a string representing the third answer option of the question "colors": an array of strings representing the colors of the buttons in hexadecimal format, in the format '0x' Each object in the "Questions" array represents a question with three answer options and corresponding three colors. It is likely that the data file would contain more question objects to create a multiple-choice question and answer system. It is also important to notice that the colors are in the format '0x'. This means that the colors must be converted to the format '#' before being used in css.

The core program of the project

main.ts Is the main component of the code.


The default imports that needs to be there to make the code work are:

import './style.css';
import * as THREE from 'three';
import { OrbitControls } from 'three/examples/jsm/controls/OrbitControls.js';
import Data from './data.json' assert {type: 'json'};

On line 16 & 17 is initialized the buttons and the answers:

let Button1 = document.querySelector(".c1") as Styler, Button2 = document.querySelector(".c2") as Styler, Button3 = document.querySelector(".c3") as Styler;
let Answer1 = document.querySelector(".Q1") as Styler, Answer2 = document.querySelector(".Q2") as Styler, Answer3 = document.querySelector(".Q3") as Styler;

the as Styler is for the Buttons to get modified easier, Styler is an extended interface of the HTMLElement

interface Styler extends HTMLElement {
  style: CSSStyleDeclaration

The function CssJS is there to convert the hex values of the colors from one to other format: 0x -> #. She talks from all alon by watching at it:

function CssJS(NUM: string, Mode: string = "toJS"): string {
	return Mode === "toCSS" ? NUM.replace("0x", '#') : NUM;

ButtonColor Function

The ButtonColor() function is used to set the background color of three buttons, Button1, Button2, and Button3, using data from the imported JSON file.

function ButtonColor(): ButtonColors {
	if (Data !== undefined && Data.Questions !== undefined) {
		if (BtnCounter >= 0 && BtnCounter < Data.Questions.length) {
			Button1Color = Data.Questions[BtnCounter].colors[0];
			Button2Color = Data.Questions[BtnCounter].colors[1];
			Button3Color = Data.Questions[BtnCounter].colors[2];

			// Style the css background of the buttons
        	Button1.style.backgroundColor = CssJS(Button1Color, "toCSS");
        	Button2.style.backgroundColor = CssJS(Button2Color, "toCSS");
        	Button3.style.backgroundColor = CssJS(Button3Color, "toCSS");
		} else {
			BtnCounter = -1;
	} else {
		console.error("The Data object is undefined or does not have the Questions property");
	return { Button1Color, Button2Color, Button3Color };

The function return a type of this interface:

interface ButtonColors {
  Button1Color: string;
  Button2Color: string;
  Button3Color: string;

First, it checks if the Data object and its Questions property are defined, and if so, it checks if the current value of the BtnCounter variable is within the range of the Data.Questions array. If both of these conditions are true, the function assigns the color values of the first, second, and third buttons to the variables Button1Color, Button2Color, and Button3Color respectively.

If the value of BtnCounter is not within the range of the Data.Questions array or if the Data object or its Questions property are not defined, the function sets the value of BtnCounter to -1 and logs an error message to the console.

Finally, the function increments the value of BtnCounter by 1 and returns an object containing the three button color values.

QuestionLoader Function

The QuestionLoader() function is used to display questions on the screen. It first calls the ButtonColor() function to set the background color of the buttons and assigns the returned button color values to the variables Button1Color, Button2Color, and Button3Color.

function QuestionLoader(): ButtonColors {
	const { Button1Color, Button2Color, Button3Color }: ButtonColors = ButtonColor();
	if (counter >= Data.Questions.length) {
		(document.querySelector(".Choice") as HTMLElement)?.remove();
	} else {
		Answer1.innerHTML = Data.Questions[counter].Answer1;
		Answer2.innerHTML = Data.Questions[counter].Answer2;
		Answer3.innerHTML = Data.Questions[counter].Answer3;
	return { Button1Color, Button2Color, Button3Color };

It then checks if the value of the counter variable is greater than or equal to the length of the Data.Questions array. If it is, it uses document.querySelector() to remove an element with the class "Choice" from the DOM. If the value of counter is less than the length of the Data.Questions array, it sets the inner HTML of the Answer1, Answer2, and Answer3 elements to the values of the Answer1, Answer2, and Answer3 properties of the current question object in the Data.Questions array.

Finally, the function increments the value of counter by 1 and returns an object containing the three button color values.

Data of the Cube

First We want to create some stages to get an effect like this (nums are to say what height they should have):

4 3 2 1
3 3 2 1
2 2 2 1
1 1 1 1

So we use some Y lengths to make it work:

let geometry: THREE.BoxGeometry[] = [
	new THREE.BoxGeometry(10, 50, 10), new THREE.BoxGeometry(10, 40, 10), new THREE.BoxGeometry(10, 30, 10), new THREE.BoxGeometry(10, 20, 10), new THREE.BoxGeometry(10, 10, 10)

after having set the geometry, we need some textures, materials and to set the meshs:

I will not really explain those, it's basic Three.js

let texture: THREE.Texture = new THREE.TextureLoader().load("textures/test.png");

let material: THREE.MeshStandardMaterial[][] = [
	[new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({color: "", map: texture}), new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({color: "", map: texture}), new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({color: "", map: texture}), new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({color: "", map: texture}), new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({color: "", map: texture})],
	[new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({color: "", map: texture}), new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({color: "", map: texture}), new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({color: "", map: texture}), new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({color: "", map: texture}), new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({color: "", map: texture})],
	[new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({color: "", map: texture}), new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({color: "", map: texture}), new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({color: "", map: texture}), new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({color: "", map: texture}), new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({color: "", map: texture})],
	[new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({color: "", map: texture}), new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({color: "", map: texture}), new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({color: "", map: texture}), new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({color: "", map: texture}), new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({color: "", map: texture})],
	[new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({color: "", map: texture}), new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({color: "", map: texture}), new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({color: "", map: texture}), new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({color: "", map: texture}), new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({color: "", map: texture})]

// ThreeJS Platform
let meshs: any[][] = [
	[new THREE.Mesh(geometry[0], material[0][0]), new THREE.Mesh(geometry[1], material[0][1]), new THREE.Mesh(geometry[2], material[0][2]), new THREE.Mesh(geometry[3], material[0][3]), new THREE.Mesh(geometry[4], material[0][4])],
	[new THREE.Mesh(geometry[1], material[1][0]), new THREE.Mesh(geometry[1], material[1][1]), new THREE.Mesh(geometry[2], material[1][2]), new THREE.Mesh(geometry[3], material[1][3]), new THREE.Mesh(geometry[4], material[1][4])],
	[new THREE.Mesh(geometry[2], material[2][0]), new THREE.Mesh(geometry[2], material[2][1]), new THREE.Mesh(geometry[2], material[2][2]), new THREE.Mesh(geometry[3], material[2][3]), new THREE.Mesh(geometry[4], material[2][4])],
	[new THREE.Mesh(geometry[3], material[3][0]), new THREE.Mesh(geometry[3], material[3][1]), new THREE.Mesh(geometry[3], material[3][2]), new THREE.Mesh(geometry[3], material[3][3]), new THREE.Mesh(geometry[4], material[3][4])],
	[new THREE.Mesh(geometry[4], material[4][0]), new THREE.Mesh(geometry[4], material[4][1]), new THREE.Mesh(geometry[4], material[4][2]), new THREE.Mesh(geometry[4], material[4][3]), new THREE.Mesh(geometry[4], material[4][4])]

Pixels Function

The Pixels function takes four parameters, Line, Column, Button, and Color, and returns void. It sets the texture wrapping of a texture object, and creates a platform by positioning meshs objects in a three-dimensional space. The position of each meshs object depends on a combination of its index, i, and its position in the multi-dimensional array meshs. If Color is true, the color of the specified meshs objects is changed based on the value of Button.


The code defines a function named MeshColorRandomizer that takes 3 arguments: Line, Column, and Btn.

let MeshColorRandomizer = function(Line: number, Column: number, Btn: string): void {
	if (Btn === 'Btn1') {
		meshs[Line][Column].material.color = new THREE.Color(CssJS(Button1.style.backgroundColor));
	} else if (Btn === 'Btn2') {
		meshs[Line][Column].material.color = new THREE.Color(CssJS(Button2.style.backgroundColor));
	} else if (Btn === 'Btn3') {
		meshs[Line][Column].material.color = new THREE.Color(CssJS(Button3.style.backgroundColor));
	meshs[Line][Column].material.needsUpdate = true;

It sets the color of an object in a 2D array meshs (with dimensions Line and Column) to a color determined by the argument Btn. The color is obtained from the background color of one of three buttons (Btn1, Btn2, Btn3) using the CssJS function to convert the color from CSS format to a THREE.Color object. Finally, the needsUpdate property of the object's material is set to true to indicate that the material needs to be updated.

Floor, Lights & BackgroundTextureLoader Function

Floor -> This function creates a green, double-sided plane with a 300x300 size and adds it to the scene. It positions the plane at the y-coordinate 0.

Lights -> This function creates a white point light and white ambient light and adds both to the scene. The point light is positioned at (5, 5, 5).

BackgroundTextureLoader -> This function loads an image "textures/background.png" and sets it as the background texture of the scene.

Button onClick Function

LineCounter and ColumnCounter are two variables to keep track of the line and column of an array.

let LineCounter: number = 0;
let ColumnCounter: number = -1;

When the element with class "c1" or "c2" or "c3" is clicked, the script will be executed and performs the following tasks:

  • Check if the value of ColumnCounter is greater than or equal to 5. If so, the value of LineCounter will be incremented by 1, and ColumnCounter will be reset to 0.
  • If not, the value of ColumnCounter will be incremented by 1.
  • Then, the function named Pixels will be called with LineCounter, ColumnCounter, 1, and true as its arguments.
  • The script also pushes two values to an array called Choices, which is the Data.Questions[counter - 1].Answer1 and Button1Color.
  • Finally, a function named QuestionLoader will be called.
// Onclick Choices
(document.querySelector('.c1') as HTMLElement).onclick = function(): void {
	if (ColumnCounter >= 5) {
		ColumnCounter = 0;
	} else {
	Pixels(LineCounter, ColumnCounter, 1, true);
  	Choices.push(Data.Questions[counter - 1].Answer1, Button1Color);

Animate function

This function is used to animate the 3D scene in the browser. The function uses the requestAnimationFrame method, which is a built-in method of the browser for creating animations.

function animate(): void {
	camera.position.y = camera.position.y <= 0 ? 0 : camera.position.y;
	renderer.render(scene, camera);

The function updates the controls of the scene, sets the y position of the camera to 0 if it is less than or equal to 0, and then renders the scene by calling the renderer.render method with the scene and camera as arguments.

The Html and the Scss

Feel free to modify it as you want but it shouldn't be off topic