Simple, light, fast and secure user authentication management. Since 2012.
Now even ligher and faster than before!
- Lightweight download (over 20x smaller than v2.1)
- Improved performance, resulting in higher tps
- Removed AutoIn support, consider migrating to FastLogin
- Removed deprecated hashing algorithms
- Migrated from mcstats to bstats for statistics
- Block opening inventory while not logged in
- Fix errors when using some NPC plugins (like FakePlayers)
- Add unregister command
- Change updater message format
- Fixed bug where some messages are unintentionally hidden from the log
- Added import command for importing profiles to/from mysql
- Force users to use exactly the same case-sensitive name every time (#85)
- Added password confirmation to register command (#67)
- Added changepassword to admin commands (#104)
- Improved event handling
- Allow other plugins to log users in while they are not registered
- 6 useful commands to manage your password
- Light, fast and easy to set up
- Secure password storage using industry-standard cryptography
- Protects and hides user's location and inventory
- IP & time-based session continuation
- Straightforward administrative control
- User-friendly captcha system for new players
- Used by thousands of server owners
- Stay secure with automatic update notifications
- Prevents players from getting kicked for being logged in from another location
- 20+ supported languages and more to come
git clone LoginSecurity
cd LoginSecurity
git submodule init
git submodule update
mcn clean install
Update changes in the translations repo using git submodule update --remote src/main/resources/lang