
A background service for Lisk nodes

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Lisk Daemon

A background service that provides information about the Lisk Node that it is running on and (optionally) enables the remote execution of Lisk Core commands (opt-in).

Primarily created to be used in conjuction with Lisk Manager, but can be used as a stand-alone service as well.




  • Ubuntu 16.04 / 18.04
  • Node.js 12.15.0 or higher
  • PM2 (recommended)


git clone https://github.com/lemii/lisk-daemon.git
cd lisk-daemon
npm install


nano src/config.ts
type parameter value
api port port that the server will run on
whitelist array of IP addresses that can access the API
maxRequestsPerSecond amount of API requests per second that the service is limited to
logging format verbosity of access log
outputToConsole enable / disable logging to console
outputToFile enable / disable logging to file
logFile file to write access logs to
nodeCommands allow enable / disable remote execution of node commands
key the key that has to be supplied with each POST request

Starting the daemon

Using NPM

npm start

As a PM2 process

pm2 start --name lisk-daemon npm -- start

For more commands, view the NPM scripts at the bottom of this page.

API Endpoints


Returns system info:

  "status": 200,
  "message": "System info retrieved successfully",
  "data": {
    "hostname": "lisk-testnet",
    "loadAverage": [0.08984375, 0.07177734375, 0.08447265625],
    "uptime": 193974,
    "memory": {
      "total": 4035444736,
      "free": 156024832
    "disk": {
      "total": 40263905280,
      "free": 19961303040
    "cpus": [
        "model": "Intel Xeon Processor (Skylake, IBRS)",
        "speed": 2099,
        "times": {
          "user": 228046300,
          "nice": 51600,
          "sys": 24338000,
          "idle": 1655459600,
          "irq": 0
        "model": "Intel Xeon Processor (Skylake, IBRS)",
        "speed": 2099,
        "times": {
          "user": 187988700,
          "nice": 91400,
          "sys": 22695600,
          "idle": 1708403800,
          "irq": 0
    "type": "Linux",
    "release": "4.15.0-96-generic"


Returns the configuration of the daemon:

  "status": 200,
  "message": "Daemon settings retrieved successfully",
  "data": {
    "systemInfo": true,
    "bash": true,
    "keyRequired": true


Disclaimer: Enabling remote execution of Lisk Core commands is a potential security vulnerability. Please use at your own risk. This feature is blocked by default and must be manually enabled in config.ts.

Executes a Lisk Core command. Available options: start, stop, reload, status, logs.

Eg: /node/start

  "status": 200,
  "message": "Bash command executed successfully",
  "data": "Lisk configured for testnet\n[+] Postgresql is running.\n[+] Lisk started successfully.\n[+] Lisk is running as PID: 20605\nCurrent Block Height:  10636513\n"

/node/logs initiates a download of the Lisk Core log file.

NPM scripts

npm run start:dev

Starts the application in development mode using nodemon and ts-node to do hot reloading.

npm run build

Builds the app at build, cleaning the folder first.

npm run start

Starts the app in production by first building the project with npm run build, and then executing the compiled JavaScript at build/index.js.

npm run test

Starts the test suite using jest and generates a coverage report.

npm run test:watch

Starts the test suite using jest and watch for any file changes.


Licensed under MIT.