This repository contains the code for the sample application featured in the Full-Stack Workshop organized by the AWS Cloud Club PUP - Department of Software and Web Development.
The sample application, AlfBlogs, is a simple blogging site where the user can easily create, read, update, and delete contents.
Each major task in the workshop has its own designated branch. These branches act as checkpoints for participants, allowing them to easily return to a particular state of the application if they encounter any difficulties during the workshop.
The design for AlfBlogs can be viewed here.
The backend development will precede the frontend development in the workshop. This means that branches containing major backend steps will have an empty client folder, while the frontend branches will contain the complete version of the server folder.
Before starting the workshop, participants are required to have the following software installed on their local machines:
- Figma Desktop App (optional)
- Git / GitHub Desktop (includes Git)
- VSCode or any text editors you prefer
- Node.js (includes npm)
- Postman
The workshop assumes a foundational understanding of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Git.
The tech stack for the sample application:
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript - three basic web technologies for creating web apps
- React - Frontend Library
- Express - Backend Framework
- MongoDB - NoSQL Database
- Node.js - Runtime Environment
- Vite - Local Development Server
This repository targets students, particularly current members of the Department of Software and Web Development (DSWD), who are interested in learning React and Express as their frontend and backend development frameworks, respectively.