
A lightweight fast and simple homebrew loader for Nintendo Wii.

Primary LanguageC

loadMii 0.4 REBiRTH

- Very light, it wont take much space on your sd
- Can be booted trough any exploit
- Supports booting homebrew elf and dol
- Supports loading from sd card, usb stick, dvd and sdgecko

Code : 
        The Lemon Man - Main coder
		MrAlert       - Various patches and bugfixes
		Twiizers      - Reload stub based on their zelda loader
Shouts to : 
        mvit and djdynamite123 for being the biggest loadmii fans
        ROSSO and Robocop XIII for the happy nites on irc
        booto for answering any question with "no, u" 
        #HACKERCHANNEL folks for anything else :D