Trigger Cards

Displays small interactive portraits of all group chat members on top of the chat input bar.

Basic Usage

All settings are saved to the active chat.

  • /tc-on to enable trigger cards.
  • /tc-off to disable trigger cards.
  • /tc? to show this help.

By default, a trigger card is created for each group member with the following actions:

  • click – trigger the character to speak
  • shift + click – unmute the character
  • alt + click – mute the character

To restore these default settings use /tc-on reset=true

Custom cards

Instead of the member list, you can use a custom list of cards by either providing the name of a Quick Reply set (the labels of the quick replies will be used as character names and to find the corresponding expression images, add ::qr to the label to execute the quick reply on click instead of the normal click action) or by providing a comma-separated list of names.

/tc-on members=myQrSet

/tc-on Name1, Name2, Name3

Custom actions

To use another set of actions on the cards, you can provide the name of a Quick Reply set.

/tc-on actions=myQrSet

In the quick replies you can use {{arg::name}} to get the character's name.

/trigger {{arg::name}}

The quick replies should be labeled as follows (use the title field in the additional options dialog for the tooltip on the trigger card):

  • (empty label) – click (if you are using a QR set as member list, not providing this QR will result in a click calling the QR's command)
  • c – ctrl + click
  • s – shift + click
  • a – alt + click
  • cs – ctrl + shift + click
  • ca – ctrl + alt + click
  • sa – shit + alt + click
  • csa – ctrl + shift + alt + click