Requirements: Get the Anaconda Python Distribution (preferably Python 3.4) This is a super helpful distribution that packages up everything you'll need to do scientific research using Python
- Go here:
- Click the "Download Anaconda" button on the top right of the page
- Enter your email address. Don't worry it's completely free.
- Once you enter it you are redirected to
- Hit the "I want Python 3.4*" button on the white box labeled "Choose your Installer"
- Select the platform you want to install for (Linux, Windows, Mac, etc)
- You should be provided with the download. Follow their instructions to install.
Now, for this tutorial, we're going to be using Ipython Notebook which is a really neat, interactive way to learn Python. Ipython by itself is a powerful command line shell for interactive development. Ipython notebook is a browser-based interactive environment to get pretty graphs and such.
- From the command line (cmd) or terminal navigate to where this readme and .ipynb file is.
- execute "ipython notebook Intro_Python_NLP"
- Your browser should pop up with the notebook tutorial
- Follow along, hit the arrow labeled "Run cell" to run the contents of the cell.
- Feel free to modify any of the code to test things out and see what happens.