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Writing Smart Contracts in NodeJS
This repo consists of a number of IBM code patterns focused on Hyperledger Fabric and IBM Blockchain.
They are being used for two-hour coding events using a chart deck provided outside of this repo.
Before the start of the coding event, the participants are encouraged to install the pre-requisites that are listed at the beginning of each exercise. Please note that MacBook and Ubuntu are the easiest operating systems to use.
For a 2-hour workshop the second, third and fourth exercises should be focused on. While the fifth, six and seventh can also be used for longer workshops.
Visual Studio Code with the IBM Blockchain Platform Addition and the IBM Blockchain Extension for Hyperledger Fabric developers
3a.-> Hyperledger Fabric sample FabCar on local network
4.-> Create a global finance blockchain application with IBM Blockchain Platform Extension for VS Code
4a.-> Explore the querying capability of Hyperledger Fabric 1.4
[Create a fair trade supply network with Hyperledger Fabric 1.4 (Local](]
4b. Hyperledger Fabric sample Fabcar on IBM Blockchain Platform 2.0