

Bluemix Overview
IBM Developer Portal


  1. Are you already using a cloud service, if so which one?
    1. IBM Bluemix
    2. AWS
    3. Heroku
    4. Microsoft Azure
    5. Google App Engine
  2. What Cloud hosting model best fits your needs?
    1. Public Bluemix
    2. Bluemix Dedicated
    3. Bluemix Local
    4. Hybrid cloud model. (Mix of public/on-prem or of Bluemix/other cloud)

      Bluemix Services for hybrid cloud implementations

      1. Connecting to on-premise databases with Secure Gateway Service
      2. Bluemix Cloud Integration Service
      3. Virtual Private Network Service
      4. API Management
    5. Cloud Platforms
    6. Cloud Foundry, IBM Containers, Virtual Machines
  3. Which IBM Bluemix Application Architecture best fits your needs?
    1. Business Intelligence:
    2. Data Analytics
    3. Hybrid Data storage
    4. Web App Hosting
  4. What security requirements do you have?
    1. Bluemix Security
    2. Secure integration services - things that let applications running in bluemix securely connect to enterprise SOR or other services
    3. application integrity - things that look at applications from a functional or design perspective and give feedback on potential security problems
    4. identity management - services to allow enterprise directories to be used for managing identity in applications deployed in bluemix
  5. What type of data do you work with?
    1. Big Data
    2. NoSQL
    3. SQL
  6. Will you be using Analytics? If so see under Analytics section below.
  7. Will you be using any Watson Services, if so see the Watson Cognitive section below
  8. What performance requirements do you have?
  9. What APIs do you need to connect to?
  10. What Use Case(s) do you have?
  11. What regulations do you have to comply with? (SOC, Safe Harbor, PCI/DSS,FISMA,HIPAA)
  12. Are you in any specific industry? Is so map to IBM Verticals:
    1. Aerospace and defense
    2. Automotive
    3. Banking
    4. Chemicals and petroleum
    5. Communications
    6. Consumer products
    7. Education
    8. Electronics
    9. Energy and utilities
    10. Chemicals and Petrolium
    11. Government
    12. Healthcare
    13. Insurance
    14. Life sciences
    15. Media and entertainment
    16. Metals and mining
    17. Retail
    18. Travel and transportation

Bluemix Architecture Layers

Data Layer

Data and Analytics
  1. Cloudant NOSQL DB
  2. DB2 on Cloud
  3. ClearDB (MySQL)
  4. PostgreSQL by Compose
  5. MongoDB
  6. Time Series Database

Analytics Layer

Data and Analytics
  1. Analytics for Apache Hadoop
  2. Apache Spark
  3. BigInsights for Apache Hadoop
  4. DashDB
  5. DataWorks
  6. Geospatial Analytics
  7. Streaming Analytics
  8. Predictive Analytics

Integration Layer

Introduction to Integration
  1. Secure Gateway
  2. Bluemix Cloud Integration enables users to integrate cloud services with enterprise systems of record. Bluemix Cloud Integration exposes the backend systems of record as ReST APIs to be used by applications
  3. API Management

Cognitive Layer

Watson Overview
Meet Watson
  1. Alchemy API
  2. Concept Expansion analyzes text and learns similar terms (words or phrases) based on context. It helps users to rapidly create a lexicon (a set of related terms) from a data set of text fragments. The output can be used to provide further understanding of data and improve text analytics pipelines.
  3. The Concept Insights service links documents that you provide with a pre-existing graph of concepts based on Wikipedia (e.g. 'The New York Times', 'Machine learning', etc.). Two types of links are identified: explicit links when a document directly mentions a concept, and implicit links which connect your documents to relevant concepts that are not directly mentioned in them. Users of this service can also search for documents that are relevant to a concept or collection of concepts by exploring the explicit and implicit links.
  4. The IBM Watson Dialog Service allows a developer to design the way an application interacts with an end user through a conversational interface. The Dialog service enables applications to use natural language to automatically respond to user questions, cross-sell and up-sell, walk users through processes or applications, or even hand-hold users through difficult tasks. The Dialog service can track and store user profile information to learn more about end users, guide them through processes based on their unique situation, or pass their information to a back-end system to help them take action and get the help they need.
  5. The IBM Watson™ Document conversion service converts a single HTML, PDF, or Microsoft Word™ document into a normalized HTML, plain text, or a set of JSON-formatted Answer units that can be used with other Watson services.
  6. Language Translation
  7. Natural Language Classifier
  8. Personality Insights
  9. Relationship Extraction
  10. The IBM Watson Retrieve and Rank service helps users find the most relevant information for their query by using a combination of search and machine learning algorithms to detect "signals" in the data. Built on top of Apache Solr, developers load their data into the service, train a machine learning model based on known relevant results, then leverage this model to provide improved results to their end users based on their question or query.
  11. Speech to Text
  12. Text tp Speech
  13. Tradeoff Analytics helps people make better choices while taking into account multiple, often conflicting, goals that matter when making that choice. The service can be used to help make complex decisions like what mortgage to take, and also for helping with more everyday ones like which laptop to purchase. Tradeoff Analytics uses Pareto filtering techniques in order to identify the optimal alternatives across multiple criteria. It then uses various analytical and visual approaches to help the decision maker explore the tradeoffs within the optimal set of alternatives. This insures that the chosen option will adhere to the goals and criteria that matter for the decision maker.
  14. Visual Recognition


  1. Java Liberty
  2. Node JS
  3. Python
  4. Ruby
  5. PHP
  6. Others

Mobile Layer

Introduction to Mobile