Arduino/ESP button library that provides callback functions to track single, double, triple and long clicks. It also takes care of debouncing.
Pinned issues
detection of long presses does not work properly inside of an interupt timer
#51 opened by EtoTen
- 0
change byte datatype to uint8_t
#79 opened by dieter-l-git - 13
another i2c PE button question
#70 opened by sercona - 0
update constants in examples
#71 opened by LennartHennigs - 1
- 1
Multiple Buttons max 8 buttons
#77 opened by m1sha87 - 0
Multiple Button Issue
#76 opened by patrickgardella - 2
[question] Is it compatible with all microcontrollers having an Arduino framework implementation?
#75 opened by paaspaas00 - 3
Problem with longpress behavior
#72 opened by juiplus - 4
Question: what should `wasPressedFor()`return for double and triple clicks?
#35 opened by LennartHennigs - 2
- 1
setStateHandler Functions
#63 opened by woodenplastic - 1
Use hall sensor instead button
#65 opened by jaksatomovic - 1
- 1
virtual button init callback
#69 opened by sercona - 3
2.3.x does not compile on Arduino Uno R4
#66 opened by LennartHennigs - 4
2.3.x breaks default implementation?
#61 opened by TheBay0r - 1
Multiplexed buttons support
#64 opened by paaspaas00 - 1
- 1
- 3
2.3.0 breaks at least on RP2040 with type errors
#60 opened by kilrah - 1
multiple ESP32CapacitiveTouch.ino
#59 opened by vinhx - 1
Long press is not reported in polling mode
#54 opened by IvanBayan - 1
button.isPressed(); seems to stay latched.
#53 opened by Fishbone69 - 2
Interrupt wdt timeout on CPU1
#52 opened by ifengchao - 2
.pio/libdeps/seeed_xiao_esp32c3/Button2/src/Button2.cpp:186:20: error: 'touchRead' was not declared in this scope
#50 opened by gknops - 17
Disable double/triple click detection
#44 opened by pablopeu - 4
- 8
- 1
Suggestion to add options for Led Buttons
#48 opened by mrNo0b - 11
Is there a way to run the button.loop function in the background using an interrupt timer ?
#43 opened by renejeanmercier - 2
- 5
Active low button don't work with the library
#33 opened by henkjannl - 2
Use Button2 with Touchsensors in my Esp32
#36 opened by oiresgleichen - 3
Decalring SetHandler time
#38 opened by rassalrich - 1
getType() with Long Click Detected
#41 opened by ryancasler - 4
Read initial value during boot
#42 opened by guydvir2 - 5
Error Compiling For ESP32 C3
#45 opened by ryancasler - 3
- 1
Possible issue with button released.
#40 opened by MikeDWheeler - 2
Change pin assignments at runtime
#31 opened by melkati - 3
Question/FMR: Are buttons interrupt enabled?
#30 opened by Devilcow - 2
How to handle initial button state?
#28 opened by giannoug - 1
Example for 2 buttons and multi?
#27 opened by rin67630 - 2
ESP32 Compiler warning
#26 opened by rin67630 - 4
Detect long press while button is pressed
#25 opened by violetforest - 1
Long Press Also Executes Press
#24 opened by ryancasler - 5
Button2 Class has no member getAttachPin
#23 opened by madivad - 3
Partial Reverse
#21 opened by dkmaker - 4
Does calling the loop() member function in my sketch's loop() function have any effect on timing function?
#20 opened by waihankan - 5
pressed and released reversed in code?
#16 opened by TommyC81