Supported SSR Now.
Blog has been online ,welcome to browse:
The warehouse holds the front end code for the blog project, built using Vue.js.
Note 1: The current Master branch has begun data interworking with the backend. The full version of the test data can be viewed in this version: 6a10ff2
Note 2: The backend code repository linked with this repository is linked here BlogBackendProject and the backend code is implemented using Django + Xadmin + Django Rest Framework.
- Vue.js ^2.5.6
- Vue-Router ^3.0.1
- Vuex ^3.0.1
- Axios ^0.17.1
- iView UI ^2.14.2
- MavonEditor ^2.4.16
- Tocbot ^4.1.1
- vue-i18n ^8.0.0
- vue-awesome-swiper ^3.1.2
Has now developed 17 pages, basically meet the needs of conventional blog. The page is as follows:
- Homepage, Routing
- Article Home, Routing
- Gallery Homepage, Routing
- Movie Homepage, routing
- Reading Homepage, routing
- Article List page, route
- Album list page, route
- Movie list page, route
- Reading list page, route
- Book list page, route
- Book note list page, route
- Article details page, route
- Album browsing page, routing
- Movie details page, route
- Book details page, route
- Book note details page, route
- Timeline page, route
At present, the development of ordinary pages basically completed the development, the need for the next test to verify the details and Bug; article details page has achieved code highlighting, catalogs, reviews and other functions.
The code highlighting. Now I removed highlight.js, replaced by using Pygments at backend, to improved render effect at frontend.Highlight.js
plug-in, and in order to reduce the packaging volume customize the plug-in JS package, custom plug-ins stored in./src/common/js/highlight.pack.js
, if you need other highlights please Custom plug-ins, custom tutorials here
- Will consider implementing SSR server rendering. ~~Due to the current backend Django Rest Framework, SSR support may be postponed. SSR support for some necessary pages is developing now.~~SSR can already work now.
- Access GitHub, WeChat, Weibo, Facebook and other third-party login comments.
- front-end page Markdown editor access Qiniu Cloud Storage to store pictures. (Completed)
- Optimize the details of the gallery display.
- Optimize packaging volume.
- Clone this project
- Install the node environment
- In the project root directory, execute the following command to install the dependencies:
# install dependencies
npm install
- Next, you need to do some backend support for the project configuration:
Note: You can choose to browse the offline version: 6a10ff2, this version is not complete, but shows the most basic page, all the data are local test data.
The backend of this project uses Django + Xadmin + Django Rest Framework. The code repository is located at BlogBackendProject. You need to configure it online according to the repository code. After configuring, please refer to the ./src/api/client-api.js
and ./src/api/client-api.js
files in this project your interface configurations of both client environment and SSR environment, my configurations as follows:
// client-api.js
const request = axios.create({
baseURL: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ? 'https://localhost:8000/api/' : ''
// server-api.js
const request = axios.create({
baseURL: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ? 'https://localhost:8000/api/' : 'http://localhost/api/'
- After the above configuration is completed, run the following command to enter the development environment:
# serve with hot reload at localhost: 9999
npm run dev
Or run the following command to package:
# build for production with minification
npm run build
Copyright (c) 2016-present, LennonChin