MVC - Messages

We want to implement the model of this Model View Controller app using MongoDB as a database. Find the name of the database contained in the connection string. The collection to use is up to you, but I recommend to use a collection named messages

Methods to implement

models/index.js : save(content, type)

This function must create a new instance of class Message. Afterwards, it must insert that instance in the collection messages.

models/index.js : fetchAll()

This function will fetch all the documents from the collection messages. It is not strictly needed, but you may modify the model constructor in order to store the id provided by MongoDB for each document. Conveniently, you could return an array of Messages to the controller.


Probably you'll have to modify this view because is not informed at the moment

models/index.js : fetchById(id)

It must return an instance of the class Message. Perform a findOne operation against the MongoDB database in order to retrieve the record