
a pocketmine plugin where rewards are set depending on commands given by the owner

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


a pocketmine plugin where rewards are set depending on commands given by the owner

🛠️ Features:

  • Easy to use and setup
  • Setting up in-game or in-console
  • Automatic given rewards to players

About EventBonus:

  • The EventBonus is for server owners where the server owners forgot to give rewards or compensation to the players

Example Scenario:

  • You organized a tournament on the server and everyone who participates can receive rewards but you failed to give everyone the prize that was specifically designed for them. Using the EventBonus Plugin, the plugin can assist you in automatically distributing awards to participants, so that if a player arrives on a different day, they will receive the reward that they have not yet claimed, without having to ask the owner "where is my reward for attending the tournament?"

🔧 How to install EventBonus?

How to install EventBonus?

  1. Download latest stable version from poggit
  2. Move dowloaded file to your server /plugins/ folder
  3. Restart the server and enjoy!

EventBonus commands


Command Description Usage
/bonus the main command of eventbonus /bonus
Subcommands Description Usage
help list of subcommands of eventbonus /bonus help
make make eventbonus key /bonus make <bonus_name>
del delete eventbonus key /bonus del <bonus_name>
addplayer adding player in eventbonus /bonus addplayer <bonus_name> <player_name>
delplayer deleting player in eventbonus /bonus delplayer <bonus_name> <player_name>
addcmd adding command in eventbonus key /bonus addcmd <bonus_name>
delcmd deleting command in eventbonus key /bonus delcmd <bonus_name>
setmsg setting an message when the player received the reward bonus /bonus setmsg <bonus_name>
list list of eventbonus keys /bonus list

📃 Other Stuffs


  • eventbonus.command | default: op


  • Default configuration:
# EventBonus by lentou
# the configuration of eventbonus

# the bonus array that gives you a reward!
# you can manually add the bonus by copying my template
# or just use commands in-game or in-console
# supported placeholders in this plugin
# for cmds: & - color code, {player} - player's name
  # the bonus key
    # the player names who can receive the rewards when they join or online!
    # if they already receive the reward then the name will be removed in the list
    # the name must be small letters
      - "hytlenz"
      - "xlentou"
      - "rhevisco"
      - "speczgm"
    # the command list for executing all commands for giving players a bonus/reward!
    # i dont support items here because give command can enchant an item, even an custom ones!
      - "givemoney {player} 10000"
      - "give {player} diamond 100"
      - "give {player} stick 1 {display:{Name:'§r§6§lEvent Stick'},ench:[{id:9s,lvl:2s},{id:10s,lvl:2s}]}"
    # the message when the player receive the bonus
    message: "&eYou received an Example Bonus Key from &cHalloween Event, &eEnjoy your Reward :) - &bL2"

Full license here.