
This repository contains the code implemented for lab practise and project of the CS305-Computer-Network of SUSTech, also include the key concepts and abbreviations of “Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach”

Primary LanguagePython


Lectured by Professor ZhuoZhao LI

This repository contains the code implemented for lab practise and project of the CS305-Computer-Network of SUSTech.

Project/Assignment Score
Local DNS Server 100/120
Danmuku System 101/120
Routing Simulation 100/100
CDN System 105/120

Final Score: 97/100(A+)


对于《计算机网络:自顶向下方法》的术语概念整理,见本仓库的 PDF,为本人期末复习所整理,希望能够帮助到每一位学习计网的同学~

Local DNS Server

In assignment1, we were asked to implement a local DNS server using Python, the task can be devided into four parts, individually query, reply, cache and multi-thread. Now I have implemented to the cache part.

I have written detailed comment in the code.

Danmuku System

In assignment2, we were required to implement a danmuku system using both websocket and HTTP protocol.

Now the project has finished~

Routing Simulation

In assignment3, we were required to implemented the routing algorithm(Dijkstra Algorithm) and the routing aggregation algorithm. In this assignment, I get a proficiency in Python.

Project: CDN System

In the project, we were required to implemented a CDN System that can adjust the bit rate of a video according to the current bandwidth of the uses.