
A repository for sharing the data structure implementations using different programming languages.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Data Structures

This repository is for sharing the data structure implementations using different programming languages. And all contributions are most welcome.

Current languages:

  • JavaScript
  • Python

Run JavaScript tests:

$ npm install -g jasmine
$ npm test

Run Python tests:

$ chmod +x testpy.sh
$ ./testpy.sh

Directory/File names convention:

  • If you will implement a new data structure, so you need to create a directory for it firstly.

  • Directory name must use [a-z] lowercase, and _ only *(1).

  • If you will add a new language implemention, you need to create a directory for it inside the data structure directory using the same convention in (1).

  • Add a suffix _{storage_name} after the data structure name (i.e. array_string Implements Array DT using String as a storage).

Writing tests:

  • JavaScript:

    • We are using Jasmine framework for writing the unit tests.
    • Test file name convention: Add suffix_spec to the data structure name (i.e. array_spec.js).
  • Python:

    • We are using unittest standard Python library for writing the unit tests.
    • Test file name convention: Add prefix test_ to the data structure name (i.e. test_array.py).