snmp_mon is a simple application for monitoring different network devices (servers, switches, routers...) via SNMP (SNMP Notifications or traps).
Each network element must be configured to send traps to the specified server (with snmp_mon).
snmp_mon uses PostgreSQL as database and epgsql as dependency.
PostgreSQL must be installed and configured to listen TCP socket.
For example, for using snmp_mon with web frontend snmpview
PostgreSQL config file pg_hba.conf can contain such lines:
host snmp erl_snmp_user password
host django,snmp webuser password
PostgreSQL also must contain database "snmp" and table "alist" with read/write permissions for user erl_snmp_user (for creating table look at sql/create_table.sql).
Clone repository (
$ git clone git://
$ cd snmp_mon
$ rebar get-deps
$ rebar compile
Change config files in etc/ and manager/conf directories.
SNMP manager config files:
|-- agents.conf
|-- manager.conf
|-- manager.opts
|-- users.conf
`-- usm.conf
manager.conf contains IP address and port (default 162) for listening traps
manager.opts contains full path to manager/conf and manager/db directories
Application config files:
|-- ne.conf
`-- unknown_traps.conf
ne.conf contains list of monitored devices (name, IP, options).
{TargetId, IpAddress,[{Option,Value},{...}]}.
unknown_traps.conf contains OID and symbolic name for traps which mibs
for any reasons not included in mib folder
{OID, Name}.
{[1,3,6,1,4,1,9,0,1], tcpConnectionClose}.
$ sudo ./ {start|stop} - start or stop application (run as superuser because privileged port 162 is used)
After changes in etc/ne.conf run
$ ./ reload_nes
After changes in etc/unknown_traps.conf run
$ ./ reload_utraps