This is my real first React's project.
I decided to use React to be able to benefit from the dynamic side that this library offers and also learn along the way.
- Node.js
- npm
- git clone
- cd find-my-lunch-react
- npm install
- npm start
- About questions
- Set active state for nav link and side bar settings
- handle form for checkout
- order history page
- get all order by user
- sort and filter
- see details
- billing page
- can see card details, fake details
- can delete card
- user settings page
- user can modify his details
- Everybody can login/register
- Everybody can see restaurants around him
- Everybody can search restaurants in a place where he tells
- User can cancel his order before the delivery
- User can add fake money to his account, {money < price_food ? 'Enough funds' : Success}
- Add review for restaurants
- User can delete his account
- User can add a credit card
- User can delete a credit card
- User can see his credit card details
- User can modify his personal information
- User can order food. (Food is generated randomly. The most important of this part is the input
validation for different field and get the delivery time)
- User can see his orders history
- Log value when address is clicked and retrieve long lat for geocoder