Technical test

All exercise is done, not time for test and bonus

Ex 1: FizzBuzz in

  • Write a function that outputs numbers from 1 to 100 inclusive.

  • If the number is a multiple of 3, print 'Fizz' instead

  • If the number is a multiple of 5, print 'Buzz' instead

  • If the number is a multiple of 3 AND 5, print 'FizzBuzz' instead

  • Bonus point: make your function accept a dict parameter containing multiple: word to output.

Ex 2: Game of Life in

  • Do you know the game of life ? You can find the rules here : (bottom left, Explanation, or if you need more precision, ask Google)

  • Write a function that accepts a matrix in parameter and runs the Game of Life on it.

  • Return the matrix after 5 iteration of the Game of Life.

  • Bonus point: Just before returning the matrix, output it's result in HTML (don't need CSS, ugly stuff working is good)

Ex 3: Hello, Nalios ! in js/exo3.js

  • In JavaScript, create a function that outputs "Hello, Nalios !"

  • You can't use strings.

Ex 4: PSQL in exo4.sql

  • Write pseudo-SQL statements to create database tables to store the products of a basic webshop. Each product has a name, a price, a creation date and may belong to several categories. Categories have a name and a flag to indicate whether the category is private or public.

  • Write a SQL query to find the list of products that belong to more than 5 public categories

Ex 5: MySum in

  • Write a function that takes an array of numbers in parameter (no joke : no None, no strings, only real numbers)

  • Output the sum of these number, without using the sum() function.

  • Bonus Point: Use recursion to get this sum

Ex 6: OXO (Bonus after the 5 other ex.) in

  • Write a small program that can play OXO game (so, within a 3x3 matrix, try to get three X or three O on the same line) The def of your function should be def turn(game, symbol): game being the 3x3 matrix, symbol being 'O' or 'X'. You can test your program against itself with this arena :