Getting error in iOS9 dispatch_once
miscventura opened this issue · 4 comments
I'm getting an invoke_block error in iOS9 at the code below. Will this code be optimized for use in iOS9? Thanks.
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
LNNotificationAppSettings* __strong* rv = (LNNotificationAppSettings*_)&LNNotificationDefaultAppSettings;
*rv = [LNNotificationAppSettings new];
(_rv).alertStyle = LNNotificationAlertStyleBanner;
(*rv).soundEnabled = YES;
did any1 Find Solution for this issue ????
app is crash instantly... please share your solution.. need help
Drag the entire xcode project into your own project. Then embed binary the LNNotificationsUI.framework file.
Working for me on iOS 9.0.1 .
BTW, I am not seeing an error on iOS 9.