A framework for displaying notifications similar to Apple's iOS 8 and iOS 9 notifications.
- 3
have a doubt in LNNotificationbannerwindow
#55 opened by solarisis - 10
Module LNNotificationUI not found error.
#53 opened by vickydhas - 0
How to detect swiped away status?
#51 opened by MHX792 - 11
Dismiss notification?
#15 opened by devios1 - 2
- 10
- 1
How LNNotificationBannerWindow show?
#50 opened by blackchena - 3
Add cocoapods support
#48 opened by brightsider - 1
Date parameter is ignored in [LNNotification notificationWithMessage:title:icon:date:]
#47 opened by dr-mobiblocks - 15
Library not loaded, Reason: image not found
#7 opened by Kjuly - 1
Support cocoa pod and/or carthage?
#43 opened by starlight173 - 1
CocoaPods install: Git source not founded
#42 opened by nicoonswift - 2
Pods not installing this library
#41 opened by vicky1787 - 6
Making some properties public
#40 opened by jyounus - 3
background music is not resumed after notification is dismissed
#37 opened by raymondchau-sinodynamic - 5
- 8
- 1
iOS7 Support
#35 opened by Igor-Palaguta - 2
- 1
- 11
Push to cocoapods
#18 opened by allaire - 1
'/Users/**/Documents/**/Carthage/Build/iOS/LNNotificationsUI.framework/LNNotificationsUI' was built without full bitcode. All frameworks and dylibs for bitcode must be generated from Xcode Archive or Install build for architecture arm64
#27 opened by CodeEagle - 4
Getting error in iOS9 dispatch_once
#24 opened by miscventura - 2
Add option for action buttons to show on banners
#23 opened by Rich2k - 1
Memory Drainer
#22 opened by ReactiveXYZ-Dev - 1
LNNotificationAction in swift
#21 opened by ashutosh088 - 10
Purpose of the drawer? Setting to disable it?
#19 opened by allaire - 1
Outdated docs (defaultAction and NSNotification)
#20 opened by allaire - 1
Remove warning
#17 opened by allaire - 7
Pod support
#1 opened by vani2 - 1
LNNotificationCenter invalid cast the notification settings from userdefaults as NSDictionary instead of NSMutableDictionary
#9 opened by ItamarM - 1
Layout issue with hotspot banner
#13 opened by Paulo-Branco - 4
no License file
#6 opened - 3
Notifications changing status bar color
#5 opened by gastonborba - 7
iOS 7 is not supported
#3 opened by zuckerbreizh - 2