
iOS 7 is not supported

zuckerbreizh opened this issue · 7 comments

frameworks are only supported on iOS 8.0 and later. embedded dylibs/frameworks are only supported on iOS 8.0 and later (@rpath/LNNotificationsUI.framework/LNNotificationsUI) for architecture arm64

Is it possible to compile it for iOS7 ?


Just recompile the project for iOS7 and it works ;)

The project has been tested on iOS 8 only. I think I use some API there which will not properly work in iOS 7, such as automatic table cell height (in settings). If you do not need this functionality, it could work.

Yes :( it's not working on ios7, issues with NSLayoutConstraint in LNNNotificationBannerView. I do not need automatic table cell height, is there a solution to have your component working on ios7 ?



What is the error exactly?

error is :
Exception:NSDictionaryOfVariableBindings failed because either one of the values is nil, or there's something wrong with the way the macro is being invoked. Cannot assign value nil for key "contV". Keys:(

Thanks for your feedback ;)


I am not sure if I will have time to look at iOS7 support. Please feel free to submit PR with fixes.

@zuckerbreizh Added support for iOS 7. See readme for instructions how to use the framework.