Larger text sizes / content categories look bad
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@iDevelopper I remember you said the toolbar items were not centered for you. Do you, by chance, have larger text size on your iPhone? I see there is a bug with UIToolbar does not center items properly when larger text sizes are used. 🤦♂️
No, I tested with no larger text size.
In safeSystemImages.m, if you return:
return [[[UIImage systemImageNamed:named withConfiguration:config] imageWithAlignmentRectInsets:UIEdgeInsetsZero] imageWithoutBaseline];
They are better centered, but there is still a small gap of 0.33 (height of a shadow line, but which is not present).
10,67 + 22,33 + 10,67 = 43,67 (10,67 + 22,33 + 11 = 44)
That’s something that the toolbar manages internally. 0.3333pt is 1px in modern iPhones, so it’s not very noticeable. But with larger text sizes, it goes quite off-center.
It shouldn't! The problem is that you calculate the frame of the labels based on the size of the font.
if(_resolvedStyle == LNPopupBarStyleCompact)
titleLabelFrame.origin.y -= _titleLabel.font.lineHeight / 2 - 1;
subtitleLabelFrame.origin.y += _subtitleLabel.font.lineHeight / 2 + 1;
titleLabelFrame.origin.y -= _titleLabel.font.lineHeight / 2.1;
subtitleLabelFrame.origin.y += _subtitleLabel.font.lineHeight / 1.5;
What has that code anything to do with toolbar?
This is your code to calculate the frame of the labels and with larger text sizes, the labels are out of bounds (y = - 21...)
The labels don’t fit, because the bar is too short. If it was higher, the layout would have been correct. I just need to make the height of the bar increase beyond certain text size category, especially the accessibility sizes.
This is not the behavior of the bars of navigation controller or tab bar controllers. We could also limit the text size to a maximum value so that the text is adjusted.
Yes, that is also an option. I will see how taller bar looks like and decide.
I think I will offer both options. By default, the bar will increase height for larger content categories. I will add a property that will allow users to limit the content category support to such that will not increase the bar height.
There already exists which I will use.
Yes, I couldn't get this to work correctly!
It just works for me, no code needed. Just set for example XXL as the max category, and it didn’t grow above.
On titleLabel for example?
_titleLabel.textColor = self._titleColor;
_titleLabel.font = self._titleFont;
if (@available(iOS 15.0, *)) {
_titleLabel.maximumContentSizeCategory = UIContentSizeCategoryExtraSmall;
It doesn't change anything for me, I must be missing something!
No, set it directly on the LNPopupBar.
Ok, not working with Marquee Labels enabled.
if (@available(iOS 15.0, *)) {
targetVC.popupBar.maximumContentSizeCategory = UIContentSizeCategorySmall;
With marqueeScrollEnabled = NO, the bar is too big or poorly placed if you go to settings and come back for example.
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
_demoVC = [IntroWebViewController new];
self.navigationController.popupBar.barStyle = LNPopupBarStyleFloating;
self.navigationController.popupBar.standardAppearance.marqueeScrollDelay = 0.0;
self.navigationController.popupBar.standardAppearance.marqueeScrollEnabled = NO;
- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated
[super viewDidAppear:animated];
self.navigationController.view.tintColor = self.navigationController.navigationBar.tintColor;
[self.navigationController presentPopupBarWithContentViewController:_demoVC animated:YES completion:nil];
if (@available(iOS 15.0, *)) {
self.navigationController.popupBar.maximumContentSizeCategory = UIContentSizeCategorySmall;
[self.navigationController.popupBar addInteraction:[LNPopupDemoContextMenuInteraction new]];
With marqueeScrollEnabled = YES, maximumContentSizeCategory does not work.
Try setting it before the bar is presented.
Already done!
And you still see issues?
Yes, I also tried with a new basic project with only MarqueeLabel and maximumContentSizeCategory does not work.
Regarding MarqueeLabel, it could be an issue with that framework. I’ll test and see.
It doesn't work in the demo project because I override the fonts in the controller:
I’ll take a closer look. My repo contains a fork of the framework. Without looking, I’m guessing they are looking at the device content size category, not the local one.
I found that MarqueeLabel should have a setter for adjustsFontForContentSizeCategory which is missing:
In MarqueeLabel.m
- (void)setAdjustsFontForContentSizeCategory:(BOOL)adjustsFontForContentSizeCategory {
[super setAdjustsFontForContentSizeCategory:adjustsFontForContentSizeCategory];
self.subLabel.adjustsFontForContentSizeCategory = adjustsFontForContentSizeCategory;
In MarqueeLabel.swift
open override var adjustsFontForContentSizeCategory: Bool {
didSet {
sublabel.adjustsFontForContentSizeCategory = self.adjustsFontForContentSizeCategory
You are correct, but it works without that somehow. I don't understand why. Maybe adjustsFontForContentSizeCategory
is YES
by default, so it works.
Somehow, the sublabel gets an incorrect trait collection:
Notice how, after I set it to XL
as the maximum, it gets called with XL
, but then somehow it gets AXXXL
, while the MarqueeLabel itself doesn't (it only gets XL
Actually I am testing on a basic project without LNPopupController.
Yes, if the issue happens in my project, it will happen in an empty project.
@iDevelopper Adding setAdjustsFontForContentSizeCategory:
fixes the marquee label. You should submit a PR for the Swift version of the library.
I will also fix the issue where the popup bar looks bad if the max/min category is set while it's presented.