A framework for presenting view controllers as popups of other view controllers, much like the Apple Music and Podcasts apps.
Pinned issues
- 0
iOS 18's `UITabBarController` with top tabs creates visual artifacts with `LNPopupController`
#583 opened by LeoNatan - 5
iOS 18.1 betas 4/5 are known to be buggy 🤷♂️
#579 opened by LeoNatan - 1
- 18
- 7
Improve popup content scrollview interaction
#572 opened by willsmillie - 2
- 27
iOS 18 Support
#570 opened by LeoNatan - 0
- 0
A question from old memory :)
#573 opened by rastaman111 - 5
Cannot archive on UIKit project
#571 opened by sereivoanyong - 2
No type or protocol named 'UIObjectTraitDefinition' error when trying to build xcode
#567 opened by aajibade1 - 6
Presenting view controller from detached view controller is not supported, and may result in incorrect safe area insets and a corrupt root presentation.
#560 opened by iDylanK - 2
prefersHomeIndicatorAutoHidden not called
#566 opened by mmdumi - 0
#564 opened by rastaman111 - 3
Unsafe build flags
#563 opened by rastaman111 - 3
Wrong subtitle label layout on RLT
#561 opened by Omarbasaleh - 2
Hiding popup var always animates.
#562 opened by Omarbasaleh - 4
- 3
Using SettingKeys
#559 opened by sattarov-t - 10
Swipe down
#555 opened by rastaman111 - 3
Swiping down on a .popupInteractionStyle(.drag) popup causes both the popup and the tabBar to hide
#554 opened by Cleover - 2
- 3
xcode manual build error
#552 opened by Nododo - 8
ContentView left inset of -8
#551 opened by WouterVermeijNPO - 0
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RTL layout issues
#548 opened by Omarbasaleh - 13
SwiftUI preview does not compile with missing required module 'LNPopupController_ObjC
#543 opened by iDylanK - 32
Larger text sizes / content categories look bad
#545 opened by LeoNatan - 1
- 7
Floating background color
#544 opened by iDevelopper - 10
Style question
#541 opened by rastaman111 - 10
iOS 17: New “Floating" Popup Bar Style
#538 opened by LeoNatan - 15
Example App Crashes on launch
#540 opened by gtokman - 0
iOS 17: Scroll edge appearance does not animate when presenting/dismissing popup bars
#539 opened by LeoNatan - 0
Left image in popupItem
#536 opened by fury21 - 7
Carthage build failed with Xcode 14.3
#534 opened by luesp15 - 3
Failing builds on Azure Pipeline with Xcode 14.
#533 opened by darecki - 1
- 4
- 1
Hope it's not too complicated
#523 opened by phonefixnicole - 0
#524 opened by rastaman111 - 1
iOS 14 : [<UITabBar 0x11796b300> valueForUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key backgroundTransitionProgress.
#529 opened by malinois - 6
SPM resource management is not working
#527 opened by 0si43 - 4
Use the -beginAppearanceTransition:animated: and -endAppearanceTransition APIs
#521 opened by rastaman111 - 4
UIView+LNPopupSupportPrivate.m - Line 296 - valueForUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key backgroundTransitionProgress
#520 opened by haarj - 8
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Presenting PopUpBar changes TabBar color since 2.12.1
#514 opened by MacMark - 1