
Inconsistent Scrolling in PopupView

rrphenix opened this issue · 2 comments

Quick question regarding some inconsistent scrolling I'm running into using the LNPopUp UI.

Goal: Add a horizontally paging view in the popup view
What I've Tried: I've made the following changes to the demo project to accomplish this:

//SafeAreaDemoView(colorSeed: "Popup", offset: true, isPopupOpen: isPopupOpen)
      ScrollView {
      TabView {
        SafeAreaDemoView(colorSeed:  "tab_0" )
        SafeAreaDemoView(colorSeed:  "tab_1" )
        SafeAreaDemoView(colorSeed:  "tab_2" )
        SafeAreaDemoView(colorSeed:  "tab_3" )
          width: UIScreen.main.bounds.width ,
          height: UIScreen.main.bounds.height
      .tabViewStyle(PageTabViewStyle(indexDisplayMode: .always))
      .indexViewStyle(PageIndexViewStyle(backgroundDisplayMode: .always))
        .popupTitle(demoContent.title, subtitle: demoContent.subtitle)

What I expect to happen:

  • Be able to swipe up to reveal popup view
  • Be able to swipe left/right within the popup view

What happens: Swiping horizonatally works occasionally, however about 30% of touches get lost. Also, the PopUpUI sporadically closes following some of the swipes. It seems like the gesture recognizer might be a bit too sensitive in the vertical direction. Horizontal swiping works most consistently when you swipe diagonally up+left or up+right

Visual of changes:
Screen Shot 2021-05-01 at 7 47 24 PM

Thanks, I will take a look.

Looking at your code, it seems you are embedding a scroll view inside a scroll view, which is not a good idea. In general, it seems a tab view with PageTabViewStyle behaves very oddly.

I will try to tweak the scroll view gesture handling to work better, but keep in mind that PageTabViewStyle will be buggy regardless.