- 1
- 11
- 2
- 3
- 0
How to access LNPopupCustomBarHostingController on LNPopupContentHostingController or in rootView
#52 opened by pareshios - 7
- 9
- 2
- 2
Upgrading to 1.8.0 or 1.8.1 results in `Call to main actor-isolated initializer 'init(__:)' in a synchronous nonisolated context`
#46 opened by mazz - 1
Title Marquee Seems Broken
#45 opened by LeoNatan - 13
- 2
popupBarCustomView produces too much padding
#40 opened by LeoNatan - 6
Updating popup content while popup is closing causes popup to get stuck in a loop of closing and opening endlessly.
#35 opened by Cleover - 10
- 12
Making isBarPresented = true, while its animating closed when set to false causes the popup to become bugged until open/closed again
#31 opened by Cleover - 0
Make popup image nullable
#34 opened by LeoNatan - 1
Popover's background Scale Effect
#30 opened by Treata11 - 5
Interaction Style issues
#27 opened by vercoo666 - 3
Gesture Conflict
#25 opened by jiangdi0924 - 5
Can't build test target while using LNPopupUI
#23 opened by tadelv - 4
- 3
After adding .popupBarStyle(.prominent) or .popupBarProgressViewStyle(.top) or .popupBarMarqueeScrollEnabled(true) to the View hierarchy, iOS keyboard will resign after single keypress
#17 opened by mazz - 1
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Using a custom view for the popup bar breaks presentation/dismiss animations
#14 opened by danwilliams64 - 1
Run the example project
#15 opened by iDevelopper - 2
LNPopupController: The popup controller is already in transition. Will ignore this transition request.
#13 opened by jiangdi0924 - 1
- 20
popup bar and popup content can get stuck in wrong position when dismissing a modal sheet with the keyboard in a transitory state
#11 opened by svenoaks - 5
Change color of now playing bar background
#10 opened by lmick002 - 23
Limiting dragging area
#7 opened by svenoaks - 2
Inconsistent Scrolling in PopupView
#6 opened by rrphenix - 14
Can't make custom popup close button.
#5 opened by iTollMouS - 16
Adding title / subtitle to the popup.
#4 opened by iTollMouS - 3
PlayerView question
#3 opened by iDevelopper - 8
Minimal Example Crashes on Load
#1 opened by olirice - 6
popupImage(image: from Image
#2 opened by olirice