
Three.js obj loader with vertex color support

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Three.js obj loader with vertex color support

See example usage at https://sean-bradley.github.io/objVertexColors/

Note that at this time, the objVertexColors.js only supports the meshlab obj export option for 'color', deselect the 'normal' option when exporting a new obj from meshlab.

To use, Reference the js in your html after where you referenced three.js

<script src="OBJVertexColorLoader.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Then, very similar to how you would normally load a standard obj, but

var loader = new THREE.OBJVertexColorLoader(manager);
loader.load('example.obj', function (object) {
}, onProgress, onError);

Video tutorial on how to create 3d Model from iPhone photos using VisualSFM, CMPMVS, MeshLab and Blender

Creating a 3d Model from iPhone photos using VisualSFM, CMPMVS, MeshLab and Blender
