Source codes for various books I collected over the years.
- 6-832 spring 2009 underactuated robotics
- AI A Modern Approach Russell Norvig
- A Course DSP Porat
- A Guide to Modern Econometrics Verbeek
- A Handbook of statistical analysis using R
- A Little Book of R for Multivariate Analysis
- A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python
- A Students Guide to Python for Physical Modeling Kinder
- Advanced Data Analysis with Elem POV Shalizi
- Advanced Time Series and Forecasting Hansen
- Advanced control of aircraft spacecraft Tewari
- Algorithmic Machine Learning Marsland
- Algorithmic Trading Chan
- Algorithms Sedgewick
- An Introduction Statistical Learning with apps in R
- An Introduction to Analysis of Financial Data with R Tsay
- An Introduction to Dynamic Meteorology Holton
- An Introduction to GLMs
- An Introduction to R Software for Statistical Modelling Computing
- An Invitation to 3D Vision Sastry
- Analysis of Integrated and Cointegrated Time Series with R
- Applied Econometric Time Series Enders
- Applied Linear Regression Sanford
- Applied Numerical Methods using Matlab Yang
- Bayesian Econometric Methods
- Bayesian Reasoning Machine learning Barber
- Building Machine Learning Projects with TensorFlow master
- BuildingMachineLearningSystemsWithPython
- Climate Modeling Courseware Rose
- Comp Finance WashU 424
- Compilers Principles Techniques and Tools Ullman
- Computational Science and Engineering Strang
- Convex Optimization II Boyd
- Convex Optimization I Boyd
- DSP Ifeachor
- DSP Stearns Matlab
- DS and ML Mathematical and Statistical Methods Kroese Taimre
- Data Analysis with Open Source Tools
- Data Science for Business
- Deep Learning with Keras
- Digital Signal Processing with Matlab Examples Sierra
- Discrete systems and digital signal processing with MATLAB ElAli
- Discrete Time Speech SP Quatieri
- ECE 3110 Electromagnetic Fields I Wickert
- Econometric Analysis Greene
- Effective Computation in Physics
- Empirical Market Microstructure
- Feature Extraction and Image Processing
- From Elementary Probability to Stochastic Differential Equations with MAPLE Kloeden
- GPS GNSS inertial navigation and integration Grewal
- Gelman BDA ARM
- Generalized Principal Component Analysis Sastry
- Handbook of Monte Carlo Methods Taimre Kroese
- Hands On GPU Programming with Python and CUDA master
- Hands on ML TF
- Hidden Markov Models DTU Lecture
- Hidden Markov Models for Time Series An Introduction Using R Zuccini
- Hidden Markov models and dynamical systems Fraser
- Implicit Filtering Kelley
- Intelligent Control Systems with an Introduction to System of Systems Engineering Sahin Nanayakkara Jamshidi
- Intro to Optimization ISyE 524 UWisconsinMad
- Introduction Partial Differential Equations Computational Approach
- Introduction to Econometrics Uriel
- Introduction to Matlab Arbenz
- Introduction to Optimization Chong Zak
- Introduction to Probability Statistics Using R
- Introduction to Python for Econometrics
- Introduction to Statistics using Python
- Introduction to the Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems Sayama
- Introductory Econometrics A Modern Approach Wooldridge
- Introductory Time Series with R Metcalfe
- Iterative Methods for Optimization Kelley
- Kalman and Bayesian Filters in Python master
- Kelso Celestrak
- Learning TF Hope
- Linear Programming with Matlab Wright
- Linear algebra geodesy and GPS Strang
- Logic of Political Survival Mesquita
- MIT 18 335 introduction to numerical methods
- ML for Hackers
- Machine Learning Mitchell
- Machine Learning Probabilistic Perspective Murphy
- Mahout in Action
- Mastering OpenCV with Practical Computer Vision Projects
- Mastering Probabilistic Graphical Models Using Python
- Mathematical methods for mechanics Gekeler
- Meshfree Approx Methods with Matlab Fasshauer
- Model Building in Mathematical Programming 5th Ed Williams
- Modeling and Simulation in Python
- Multiple View Geometry Lecture Cremers
- Nonlinear Dynamics Strogatz
- Numerical Methods with MATLAB Implementations and Applications Recktenwald
- NumericalRecipes2
- NumericalRecipes3
- Numerical Analysis Bal
- Numerical Eng Python
- Numerical Methods Applied to Chemical Engineering OCW MIT10 34F15
- Numerical Methods Lecture Notes Physics 801 Creighton
- Numerical Methods in Engineering with Python Kiusalaas
- Numerical Modeling of Earth Systems
- Numerical Python Johansson
- Olver
- Optimal Control Aerospace Apps Prussing
- Orbital Mechanics for Engineering Students
- Pattern Theory
- Practical Regression Anove Using R Faraway
- Principles of Econometrics
- Principles of Helicopter Aerodynamics Leisman
- Programming Collective Intelligence
- Programming for Computations
- Python Deep Learning Cookbook
- Python Deep Learning
- Python and Algorithms and Data Structures master
- Python for Probability Statistics and Machine Learning Unpingco
- Python for Signal Processing Unpingco
- Python Algorithms Heatland
- Python Programming in OpenGL Blank
- Python Scripting for Computational Science Third Edition
- Quantitative Trading Chan
- Regression Analysis Uni Ontario
- Robotics Vision and Control Fundamental Algorithms MATLAB Corke
- SAS for Forecasting Time Series Dickey
- Sampling Regression Experiment Design and Analysis
- Scientific Python Immunology
- Signal Processing for Communications Vetterli
- Signals and Systems for Dummies Wickert
- Social Network Analysis for Starupts
- Solving Differential Equations in R Cash
- Solving ODEs with Matlab Shampine
- Solving PDEs in C++ Code
- Sornette
- Speech Recognition Ellis Lecture
- Statistics Chaos Complexity and Inference Shalizi
- Statistics and Data Analysis for Financial Engineering AER
- Stats Data Models DeVeaux
- Stochastic Modeling of Scientific Data Guttorp
- Systematic Trading
- TensorFlow Machine Learning Cookbook master
- TensorFlow for Machine Intelligence
- The Art of Molecular Dynamics Simulation Rapaport
- The OpenGL Red Book
- The Scientist and Engineers Guide to DSP Smith
- The War Trap
- Think DSP Digital Signal Processing in Python
- This Time Is Different Rogoff
- Time Series Analysis with Applications in R
- Using R for Data Analysis and Graphics Maindonald
- Volatility Trading Sinclair
- WTTE RNN Weibull Time To Event Recurrent Neural Network Martinsson
- aima python norvig
- alg graph models
- all of statistics
- Capital in 21st Century in R
- collab
- compcodes
- creating apps in kivy
- data science on gcp lakshmanan
- deep learning with python chollet
- hadoop cookbook
- hadoop definitive
- hadoop in practice
- kalman filtering theory and practice with matlab
- kurumsaljava
- linear programming using MATLAB samaras
- mathematical notebooks for the physical sciences
- Machine Learning In Action
- murphy probrob
- murphy ubc ca machine learning lecture
- neural networks and deep learning
- opencv python blueprints
- programming computer vision with python
- python machine learning book master
- python for data analysis
- python for finance yuxing
- r count
- r daag
- r islr
- r pscl
- rcrandall segment
- reinforcement learning an introduction sutton
- seg ijcv
- skillicorn data mining
- stanford lall ee365 stochastic control
- stark html5
- toront math pde lecture notes
- CUDA by Example Sanders
- GPU Gems Book Source Code
- Lattice Boltzmann Equation Succi
- Lattice Boltzmann Modeling Thorne
- Lattice Boltzmann Method Fund and Engineering Applications with Computer Codes Mohamad
- Comparison of python 3 single gpu parallelization technologies on the example of a charged particles dynamics simulation problem Boytsov
- Introduction to Lattice Boltzmann Methods Sukop
- The Lattice Boltzmann Method Principles and Practice, Viggen
- Advanced Engineering Mathematics Kreyszig
- Computational_Fluid_Dynamics_An_Open-Source_Approach_Vermeire
- ME 702 CFD Barba BU
- CH EN 6355 Utah CFD
- Computational Physics Problem Solving with Python Landau
- CUDA C++ Programming Guide
- Numerical Solution of Boundary Value Problems for Ordinary Differential Equations Ascher
- Pythonic Geodynamics Morra
- Computational Problems for Physics With Guided Solutions Landau
- Unrivaled Beckley
- Coursera Waves Simulation Igel Lecture
- Low Speed Aerodynamics Katz
- Flight Vehicle Aerodynamics Drela
- Foundations of Aerodynamics Kuethe
- Introduction to CFD with Python kardontchik
- Finite volume method in CFD Darwish
- Computational_Science_and_Engineering_Strang
- 18_086_Computational_Science_And_Engineering_II_Stoop
- [Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Patankar](/Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Patankar)
- CH_EN_6355_Utah_CFD_Saad
- [Numerical Solution of Time-Dependent Advection-Diffusion Verwer](/Numerical Solution of Time-Dependent Advection-Diffusion Verwer)
- [Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics MME_9710_DeGroot](/Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics MME_9710_DeGroot)
- CFD_An_Open-Source-Approach
- [An Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics FVM Versteeg](/An Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics FVM Versteeg)
- Computational_Methods_in_Aero_Wilcox_MIT_1690
- [Computational Fluid Dynamics_ An Introduction Anderson](/Computational Fluid Dynamics_ An Introduction Anderson)
- [Finite Element Method for Solid The Zienkiewicz](/Finite Element Method for Solid The Zienkiewicz)
- [The finite element method _ basic concepts and applications Pepper](/The finite element method _ basic concepts and applications Pepper)
- [Finite Element Method_ Theory, Implementation, and Applications Larson](/Finite Element Method_ Theory, Implementation, and Applications Larson)
- Introduction_to_finite_element_simulations_MATH3040_Pitt_Sussman
- [Fundamental Finite Element Analysis and Applications Bhatti](/Fundamental Finite Element Analysis and Applications Bhatti)
- [Introduction to finite element methods Langtangen](/Introduction to finite element methods Langtangen)
- [A first course in finite elements Fish](/A first course in finite elements Fish)
- [Practical Finite Element Modelling in Earth Science Simpson](/Practical Finite Element Modelling in Earth Science Simpson)
- [Introduction to Finite Element Analysis Using MATLAB Khennane](/Introduction to Finite Element Analysis Using MATLAB Khennane)
- FEM_Python_Heat_Stress_Krysl
- [Introduction to Numerical Ordinary and PDEs Using MATLAB Stanoyevitch](/Introduction to Numerical Ordinary and PDEs Using MATLAB Stanoyevitch)
- Numerical_Fluid_Mech_OCW_2_29_spring_2015
See my other blogs, repos
Science, technology content in Turkish (Bilim, teknoloji, matematik)