
good good study, day day up

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good good study, day day up

Topic Reviews

Distributed System


  • Brewer’s Conjecture and the Feasibility of Consistent, Available, Partition-Tolerant Web | pdf | notes
  • BASE: An Acid Alternative | pdf | notes
  • Eventually consistent | pdf
  • Conflict-free Replicated Data Types | pdf
  • The Byzantine Generals Problem | pdf
  • The Part-Time Parliament | pdf
  • Paxos Made Simple | pdf


  • Bitcask - A Log-Structured Hash Table for Fast Key/Value Data | pdf | notes
  • The Google File System | pdf | notes
  • Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data | pdf
  • The Chubby lock service for loosely-coupled distributed systems | pdf

Processing Model

  • MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters | pdf | notes


  • Web search for a planet: The Google cluster architecture | pdf


Basic Models

  • Speech and Language Processing | pdf
  • A Stochastic Parts Program and Noun Phrase Parser for Unrestricted Text | pdf
  • A Statistical Approach to Machine Translation | pdf
  • Spam Filtering with Naive Bayes – Which Naive Bayes? | pdf

Undirected Graphical Model

alias: Markov network, Markov Random Field (MRF)


  • introduction to Hidden Markov Model pdf Chap.8 Part-of-Speech Tagging
  • Conditional Random Fields - Probabilistic Models for Segmenting and Labeling Sequence Data | pdf

Near-duplicate Detection

  • N-gram Similarity and Distance | pdf
  • A Closer Look at Skip-gram Modelling | pdf
  • Similarity Estimation Techniques from Rounding Algorithms | pdf
  • Detecting Near-Duplicates for Web Crawling | pdf


  • Finding and evaluating community structure in networks | pdf
  • Fast algorithm for detecting community structure in networks | pdf