
Leon Munene's Portfolio to show his experience, skills and projects .

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Project Name: Leon's Portfolio Website


Welcome! I'm Leon Munene, a software engineer passionate about building user-friendly and efficient software. This website showcases my diverse skills, encompassing web design and app development. Whether you're a fellow developer, a potential collaborator, or just curious, I invite you to explore my projects, dive into my code, and get a glimpse into my journey as a developer.

Final project blog article: https://medium.com/@Leonmunene/personal-portfolio-website-a-journey-through-code-40b786a37e0d Author's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/leon-munene-0a49a8238/


React.js Parcel.js Installation:

(Skip this section if your website doesn't require local setup)

Clone the repository using Git: git clone https://github.com/Leon8M/Leon-Portfolio.git Install dependencies: npm install Start the development server: npm start Usage:

Visit localhost:3000 in your browser to access the website.


I welcome contributions and suggestions to improve my projects. Please open an issue or submit a pull request if you have ideas or want to collaborate.

Related Projects:

First Iteration: https://github.com/Leon8M/Portfolio Second Try: https://github.com/Leon8M/Leon_portfolio_2




This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

Technical Details and My Story:

1. Inspiration:

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology and creativity, the need for a personalized platform to showcase one's work, skills, and experiences becomes increasingly crucial. My inspiration to build a portfolio website stemmed from a deep-seated desire to establish a meaningful online presence and share my professional journey with the world. As I progressed in my career and accumulated diverse experiences, I recognized the significance of having a dedicated space to encapsulate the essence of who I am professionally. The realization dawned that a well-crafted portfolio serves as more than just a digital resume; it acts as a dynamic canvas to express my passion, expertise, and the unique narrative of my professional evolution.

2. Technical Challenges:

Responsive Design Challenges: Addressed challenges related to ensuring a consistent and appealing design across various devices. Browser Compatibility: Resolved issues related to browser compatibility to guarantee a seamless user experience. Integration Challenges: Overcame challenges related to integrating third-party APIs for dynamic content.

3. Solutions and Learnings:

Technical Learnings: Gained proficiency in React and advanced CSS techniques during the development process. Project Management: I developed skills in project planning and management, adapting to changing requirements.

4. Next Steps:

I am in the process of learning Rust. I want to implement it in some way on my website.

5. Emotion and Timeline:

6. Phased Development:

Broke down the project into manageable phases, focusing on one feature at a time. Milestones: Set specific milestones for each phase, such as the completion of front-end development, design finalization, and deployment. Iterative Refinement: Incorporated an iterative development process, allowing for continuous refinement based on feedback. Ensured flexibility in the timeline to accommodate unexpected challenges.


I hope you enjoyed exploring my portfolio website. Feel free to contact me through the provided links if you have any questions or feedback.