
gentoo portage overlay for nextstrain.org/ncov building.

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gentoo portage overlay for nextstrain.org/ncov building.


emerge snakemake nextstrain-cli

Auspice must be installed form source manually but without Conda.


Put these into /etc/portage/package.mask to solving dependency conflicts.

### The 'pandas==0.*,>=0.20.0' is required by nextstrain-augur

### The 'botocore<1.14.0,>=1.13.2' is required by boto3

### The 's3transfer<0.3.0,>=0.2.0' is required by boto3

### The 'docutils<0.16,>=0.10' is required by botocore

### <=dev-python/awscli-1.16.314 is required by dev-python/botocore-1.15.5 

### <dev-python/pyyaml-5.2.0 is required by dev-python/awscli-1.16.314 installed

### dev-python/pillow[python_targets_python2_7]required by dev-python/reportlab-3.5.13-r1 installed