Contains the repository JSON file for my Dalamud Plugins for third party plugin support.
- AngelSeedRaid of Armed-Squad
- Aonedog
- AsgardXIVEtheirys
- Ayame-Yumishi
- Aye10032QIBEBT, Chinese Academy of Science
- blairg23IntelligenTechnology
- chromium-u
- Cocoaunt
- ebonstar
- Eclipzr
- ErichVanHouten
- ferhatboy38
- flutterderpUnited States
- greenteakitkats
- hjf288Europe
- javinyxPolytechnic University of Milan
- Kanv
- kdumbledore
- Leivor
- LsFlyt
- Lyrapuppy
- Mara-LiLyon (France)
- northmagiccat
- Obigri
- Orghana
- Peekaeypod 7 ap-southeast-2
- Phliky
- Rukkulko
- Sachiyoku
- ShennyUK
- SlashNephy@hatena
- TislerShen
- whoozi
- Yuumi0221
- yzeli
- zbeeSenior Software Engineer @ Verisk